(11) Planning

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Kaminari POV the next day:

I need to do this. I text Shinso if he can talk, he says no at first seeing how that ended last time. I eventually convinced him. He goes and sits at my chair and I sit on my bed "Why do you want to talk to me? It's only been 2 days." "I-I'm sorry, the thing is, I didn't want to break up with you. Mina said if I didn't then she'd tell the whole school I'm trans. But even though it's only been 2 days those 2 days have been hell, I love you, and I need you even if that means everybody know's I'm trans" When I'm done he doesn't say anything, he just gets up, walks over to me, and hugs me, but that hug is warm, it's nice, it makes me feel safe.

He sits back "Hey Kami?" "Hm?" "I have an Idea, what if instead of Mina telling the school you're trans you tell the school before she get's the chance? I know it seems scary but I'll be there with you" I grab both of his hands, knowing how much I might regret this later "Let's do it"

The next day when we go home room I whisper to Aizawa what our plans are, I also tell him not to expel Mina and ruin her chances at being a hero, he just said he'd make the rest of her time at UA hell. Home room went by normally but a few minuets before the bell rang Aizawa gave me a look that told me to come up so I grabbed Shinso's hand and we went up to the front. I cleared my throat and started to speak "Hey, so um, I'd already told this to Shinso and Mina overheard it. After I broke off our friendship Mina used this information to blackmail me into dumping Shinso. But I'm not going to let her say it so I will. I'm FTM trans meaning I was born a girl but I'm a boy. I know you're going to ask questions so let me answer them now. No, I won't tell you my deadname. No, I haven't gotten top or bottom surgery. Yes, I wear a binder. And yes, I do take testosterone" After I finished saying this Shinso said "And Mineta, don't try touching Kaminari."  Right as he finished this the bell rang so I grabbed my stuff from my desk and left before anybody could come up to me.

As my math class bell rings I remember that home room class is the same as hero corse, I really should've thought this through a bit more. "Ready" Shinso says as he grabs my hand "As long as you're doing this with me" w walk in and of course we, more specifically I, got a few stars. Luckily Mineta stayed back. When I sat down I felt someone tap my shoulder, it was Kirishima "Hey bro, even if you don't wanna be my friend you're still totally manly" he gives me i big smile "thanks bro, means a lot to me" "No problem!" at that he sits down and class starts. 

Class was, ok. Nobody asked any questions or brought it up, beside Kirishima of course. Though after class Mina did come up to me "You asked Aizawa to make everything I do harder didn't you?" "Actually he was going to expel you, I asked him not to ruin your future over something like this" "Lair!" I chuckle a bit "No lies here, got to go hang with my non transphobic boyfriend, see ya babes" I waved, blew a sassy kiss, and walked away, in style of course. I tell shinso what happened and we laugh for a bit .

I'm feeling petty and spiteful and Shinso can tell "Hey Kami, what if instead of going to the party in a suit you went in a ball gown, heels, full glam, just to piss off Mina by looking better than her?" This, now this (is epic) is what I needed to hear "Hell yeah, lets go find the dress" "Ok, let's go. I can pay for the cab"

We end up choosing a cream colored dress with gold accents, and some black heels

(looks like this)

(looks like this)

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Shinso POV:

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Shinso POV:

Kaminari looked a bit nervous about wearing the dress so I said "What if I went in a dress too?" he looked a bit shocked "Wait really!?" I let out a little laugh "Yeah, let's pick out another dress" we picked out a dress and hells that were pretty much inverted colors of Kaminari's dress but a different style.

Kaminari looked a bit nervous about wearing the dress so I said "What if I went in a dress too?" he looked a bit shocked "Wait really!?" I let out a little laugh "Yeah, let's pick out another dress" we picked out a dress and hells that were pretty...

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Kaminari looked really excited now

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Kaminari looked really excited now. Neither of us knew how to do makeup so I texted the girls to see if one of them could help with that. Yaoyorozu said she'd opt out of the makeup part of the hangout (the girls were going to hang out and get ready together) to help us, she even said she'd bring some makeup. 

I'm literally begging somebody to draw Kaminari and Shinso in these outfits

Purple Electricity (Hitoshi Shinso x Trans! Denki Kaminari)Where stories live. Discover now