(16) All Fun And Games! Or maybe a bit more...

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Nobody POV:
Uraraka, previously sitting in a chair like a normal person, in now standing on the table and hushing everyone so she can make an announcement "Everybody! Quiet down! We're playing my version of deadman!" Everybody but Todoroki, Iida, and Shinso looked excited. Iida reprimanding the brown haired girl and Todoroki and Shinso with their normal emotionless face.
"Wait! Uraraka" the lightning marked boy spoke up "How does this work exactly" it looked as if sparks had been lit in her big brown eyes, which were now shining "Like any normal game of deadman there's someone who lies on the ground but instead of everyone chanting "Deadman" around them we chant "Loverman oh loverman" where times, the loverman gets up and while closing their eyes try to tag someone. Whoever gets tagged has to play 7 minutes in Heaven with the loverman. Got it?" Everyone just nods their head, not wanting to question the game.
Kaminari's POV:
Todoroki starts first, he tags Iida and by the sounds of it they were just talking about school, so lame. Then Iida tags Uraraka, Uraraka try's to crack jokes I assume (they were laughing), Uraraka tags Tsu, I heard smoochy noises, Tsu tags Deku, I was banished from listening at the door by this point, Deku then tags Shinso, I really hope nothing happened in there. When Shinso comes out he looked like nothing had happened and Deku looks... confused? I can't help but wonder what happened, but that thought is quickly gone from my mind as we begin a new round of deadman. Just to my luck Toshi tags me. I try not to look too excited but I must've failed because Uraraka whistled at us, Iida starting reprimanding as we shut the door.

Shinso looked at me, and I looked at him. I was about to crack a joke to lighten the silent mood, but he was smirking... like he was thinking about something. My mind immediately went to the worst scenario. When he looked up at me he saw my worried face looking down he immediately asked "Ki? What's wrong?" he grabbed my hand with both of his causing me to look up a him. "I-" I look down, not wanting hime to see my worried face much more "I'm just worried, what did you do with Midoriya? Do- do you like him better?" I know I sound crazy right now but I just need to know. "What makes you say that?" he sounded genuinely confused "Well you were smirking, and it was right after you were with Midoriya and I just thought that... that you might have a thing for him..." Shinso just... laughs? "Ki, no, no no no" he chuckles a bit "I promise, I love you" he kisses m forehead and as he does this Tsu opens the door, and calls everyone over. The girls start awwing Midoriya is just smiling, Todoroki deadpanning, and Iida trying to get everyone away from us.
We eventually make our way out of the closet and people quieted down about me and Toshi. But we do watch a movie afterwards and me and Toshi are forced to sit together (not like we minded though). We watched The Ring, perfect, I hate scary movies. Toshi know this so he gently wraps his arms around me and I lay my head in his chest, trying to drown out the noise. I eventually fall asleep, his arms around me softly, my head in his chest, his hands combing through my hair. Almost like there were no people, no movie, just us, laying here together. And feeling more peaceful and content than almost ever, knowing Toshi loves me and only me, my fears of Deku and Toshi fade away.

Hey lovelies! I hope you liked reading this chapter, because I enjoyed writing it! If you can try to get some food and water and get out of bed today, have a good day/night/afternoon 💕💕

Purple Electricity (Hitoshi Shinso x Trans! Denki Kaminari)Where stories live. Discover now