(14) According to all known laws of aviation

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Kaminari POV (Okay okay I know I haven't done his POV in awhile, I'm sorry) and time skip to the next day:

Hanging out with the girls was, interesting, to say the least. But my skin feels super soft now. At one point they tried to convince me to dye my hair but Toshi' stopped them. He's an amazing boyfriend, he even made me waffles this morning.




I know it's mid-day and people normally hang out around now but who's knocking on my door. I look out the peephole and it's Shinso, of course. I open the door and hug him "Hey babeeee whatca doin?" I say, my face still buried in his chest. "Not much, I just wanted to hang out with my Pikachu" he walks in and plops down so I close my door and join him. I take out my phone "Minecraft" I tilt my head a bit "Always" 

We end up playing for a few hours but eventually I got hungry. "Hey Shinnnnnnnnnnnnnnn" I whine and he glanced over at me and ruffled my hair "Hm?" "Can you make me food? I hungry" he laughs a bit before saying "Yeah, sue. I'll be right back. Don't do anything stupid while I'm gone" as he's about to go I say "Ok, I'll make sure to break a few bones" he looks at me, says "Don't be like Midoriya" and leaves. I mean, yeah he's right.

When he comes back he's holding goldfish "I guess this is a worthy snack" he laughs and hands me the goldfish and as a response to that I shoved a handful of goldfish in my mouth. He just took a few and we ate for a few minuets. Then I get a text, It's from Deku surprisingly.

Deku: Hey, wanna hang out with me and some of my friends tonight?

                                                                   You sure I wouldn't be a bother? :Me 

Deku: No, no of course you're not a bother, if you want to you can invite                                                  a friend if you want

                                                                                                   Okay, when is it? :Me 

Deku: Half an hour        

                                                                                                        See you there! :Me

Deku: See ya :)

"Who was that?" Shinso asks me "Deku invited me to hang out with him and the Dekusquad in half an hour!" I say excitedly "And..." Shinso urges me to continue talking "And, I need to get ready. Oooo do you want me to ask if you can come too?" I say as I brush my hair "No thanks, I think I'll stay in my dorm for tonight" he yawns after he finishes his sentence. "Okie, you sure? I'd love it if you came. Pleaseeeeeee" He looks over at me "Are you sure?" I grab onto his arm "Yes, I'm sure. I love hanging out with you" he sighs "I doubt any of your friends actually like me, it'd be better if I just stayed at my dorm" I grab his face "You're coming, pack your shit" then I give him a kiss on the cheek of course.

Purple Electricity (Hitoshi Shinso x Trans! Denki Kaminari)Where stories live. Discover now