(13) Boba Tea and Dating

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UIEYBUEBUNDOHEYIWYFCTYEUQIOBOVBOIHRUQ SHINKAMI__COSPLAYS FOLLOWED ME BACK AND SAID THEY'D BE INTERESTED IN BEING FRIENDS IF I WANT TO BE FRIENDS. THEY'RE LITERALLY ONE OF MY COSPLAY IDOLS I'M DYING. Also I'm sorry for not updating in a week, I've had to do hella math. Thank you so much for 540 reads, you're all amazing and I love you all.

Shinso POV:

We hung out for awhile after that, it was super fun. When we got to our dorm we took off our dresses and makeup as well as our heels. I changed into the cat pjs that Denki had given me awhile back and he changed into one of my hoodies and some pj pants. I teased him a bit about wearing my hoodie but he just said that it smelled like me and that he'd never take it off. He looked so adorable wearing my hoodie, I'm probably going to let him keep it.

"Hey Kitty, can we watch movies?" I raise my eyebrow at the new name "Kitty?" "Yeah, Kitty, now answer my question" "Yeah sure" He immediately flopped face first onto my bed "Denki what the hell?" "What?" we both just laugh "Pick the movie, I'm already getting overheated in this onesie"

He ended up choosing Mula, he said it's one of his favorite movies because "Mulan is a badass, if she was real and I wasn't in love with you I'd totally date her" About halfway through he decided to be the live action movie and just started reciting the lines and acting out the movie as best as possible. "You're a dork, but I love you" "I love you too"

Time skip two days:

I don't know who had the bright idea to give Denki coffee but someone did "Toshi' Toshi Toshi'! I just did something bad" I think he's lost all impulse control "What is it now?" I sigh "I bought something! But don't worry it was only like 6 dollars!" "I'm not even going to ask what you ordered. But who the hell thought it would be a good idea to give yo coffee?" "Meeeeeee!" "Wh-" for some reason he grabs my cheeks, most likely to shush me "I drank some of your coffee when you weren't looking" Jesus, today is going to be one hell of a day, and what's even better is that me, Denki, Uraraka, Deku, Todoroki, and Tsu have been invited to a spa day which Yaoyorozu is hosting, why I was invited? Who knows. Denki was most likly invited to charge ohones incase it was needed, it may be some other reason but who knows? Todoroki was probably invited because he's rich, Yaoyorozu probably just wanted to gossip with Uraraka and Tsu. And Deku was probably just invited because Todoroki is his boyfriend. "Denks chill the fuck out, we have like two hours till we have to hang out with people"  "Okie, I have to shower first. Be right back"

We spend an hour getting ready and then hang out for half an hour before we leave. When we got there I realized just how big of a house Yaoyorozu has. I just stare for a while and I guess Yaoyorozu had noticed us "Hey! We're going to get some boba before we hang out in my place" ugh why was I invited? "Sure that sounds great" Denki says. Everybody else is already here so Denki greets them all while I just stand at the doorway, wanting to have as little human interaction as possible.

When we got the boba most people got strawberry, or green tea, or chocolate. Some got weirder flavors like avocado or plum. I couldn't decide so I shared one with Denki and he got peach. It wasn't too bad. After out boba run Yaoyorozu started setting out, what I would guess is, face masks and... nail polish? You've got to be kidding me "Yaoyaorozu, I'm NOT painting my nails." She looks over at me for a second before continuing what she's doing and speaking "Yes you are, oh and you can call me Yaomomo. It's what most people call me anyway" I just find a bean bag and plop down waiting for Yaoyorozu to finish setting up whatever it is she's setting up.

"Ok everybody, we're going to face masks, maybe some gossip and games too" I sigh "Gossip? Really?" 4 or 5 of them nod their heads so I reluctantly walk over to the little circle their sitting in and sit next to Kami. Uraraka hands me my face mask and Tsu gives Denki his. "Ok so let's start off in the dating area" "What?" I say tilting my head a bit "Oh right! You boys have never been to a girls sleepover" Why would that be a shock? "Well obviously" She starts clapping her hands excitedly "Ok so there are 3 things we go over for gossip. Who's dating who, who has a crush on who, and talking about who we hate" I think all the guys are a bit confused but we're gonna just roll with it. "I know that Deku and Todoroki are dating," Uraraka says "Kaminari did you and shinso start dating again or was it just like you wanted to go to the dance kero~" says Tsu "Oh! Yeah he's my boyfriend" Kami looks like he's going to kiss me but then realizes he has his face mask on so he hugs me instead.

Purple Electricity (Hitoshi Shinso x Trans! Denki Kaminari)Where stories live. Discover now