(7)Sweet Dreams

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Shinso POV:

*beep beep motherfucker wake the fuck up* I slam my hand on my alarm. "ughhhh" school is in 45 minuets. I hear my phone buzz 'who the hell would be texting me?' I look at my phone

Denki Kaminari: Just wanted to say good morning Sleepy Kitty

Sleepy Kitty: Good Morning. That nickname's gonna stick won't it?

Denki Kaminari: Yep :) see you at school

Sleepy Kitty: See ya

I'm not mad about the nickname, it's kinda cute, or at least coming from him if anybody else called me 'Sleepy Kitty' I'd probably kill them. "Toshi we're leaving in 5!" I get ready and grab my bag when I hear Yamada yell this. Aizawa get's inside of the car with us and the first thing he says is "I see you've broken my #1 rule on loud blonds" I just plop on my headphones on not wanting to respond.

"Shinso! Shinso! Shinso! Shinsooooooo!" Kaminari says as he runs up to me "What happened?" I say a bit of worry in my voice "Nothing, just wanted to say hi" he said "Well hey, how are you" "I'm fineeeeee, how are youuuu" "I'm fineeeeeeeeee" I say mocking him a bit. He shoves my arm "You stinky" he replies "What's that even supposed to mean?" "I'm not tellingggg you" "I'll see you at lunch, Kami" "See ya" I walk off to math and he heads to whatever class he has.

-Time skip to lunch-

"Hey Kami, how were your morning classes?" I grab my food as I say this (they're in the lunch line) "Good but Aizawa's going to kill us for missing class, even if he is your dad" We start walking to an empty table "Tell me about it. Hey Kami why do talk to me? I always seem to scare people off." I asked "Why don't you you push me away?" he replied "Why? Because you're the one person who tried to make friends with me and don't call me a... villain" I mutter the last part, that word tortures me, it follows me wherever I go. "Well of course you're not a-" he get's cut off by the loud boy "OI DUNCE FACE WHY ARE YOU SITTING WITH EYE BAGS?!" Bakugo exclaimed "Bakugo calm down, I just wanted to hang out with Shinso today." Bakugo just walks off as angerly as ever. 

Kaminari POV:

Everybody arrives to class and as soon as we actually started training for the day I knew I was right, it was one on one with ourselves and Aizawa. Before we went out to training he told me I couldn't wear my binder but if I did I'd probably die so it's for the better. We got our asses handed to us by Aizawa, and he looked as if he had just been in his sleeping bag all day (like not tired from fighting them at all). As if that wasn't enough we also had a test on some hero stuff. Aizawa said he'd email us our grades tonight and then hand us our paper tomorrow. 

I hear the bell ring and as I'm about to get out of my seat I hear some people talking "Ha Pikachu probably flunked this test too, idiot" murmurs of agreement follow. I see it's the bakusquad, they're probably just joking, right? I feel a hand on my shoulder "Hey Kami. You haven't moved from your desk in like 10 minuets, are you all right?" The voice I hear is Shinso's. It kinda made me feel better. "Yeah I'm fine" "Whatever you say, do you wanna head to my house or my dorm or where?" "Hmmm OOO come look at my dorm! Please?" I beg "Ok, let's go"

We get to my dorm and I unlock the door. He immediately walks over to a drawing on my wall "What's this? It looks beautiful." "Oh uh it's a small cherry blossom clearing behind the playground. I used to go there when I felt upset" What I didn't tell him is that the specific spot that I drew was the spot from my dream "It's gorgeous, could you take me one day?" "Of course" I walk over to where my controllers are "Do you wanna play video games?" I ask "Sure, do you have Minecraft?" I get excited "Ooooo you know video games, well kinda. Yeah I have Minecraft. Let's play"

We play for a few hours sometimes yelling stuff like 'Stop killing me bitch!' or 'Stay the fuck out of my cave' I also knocked into him sometimes when I died and got frustrated. Shinso lays his head in my lap "Denki, you're stupid" "wh-" "HAHA BITCH YOU'RE DEAD" He stabs me with his stone sword. I nudge him a bit, "I think someone drank too much coffee." "maybe, quick question. How long have you been wearing your binder?" he asks "I'll go take that off now" I say blushing a bit "I'm going to change into my pjs too- Oh that reminds me, here" I throw a purple lump of fabric at him.

Shinso POV:

"I'll go take that off now" He looks embarrassed and starts blushing. "I'm going to change into my pjs too- Oh that reminds me, here" He throws me, what looks like, a lump of purple fabric. When he comes out he's wearing an oversized Pikachu onesie, a light blush still scattered on his face. While he was in the bathroom I changed into this outfit which ended up being a purple and black cat onesie. As soon as Denki see's me in the cat onesie he freaks out and jumps on me."You know you're cute when you're happy-" as soon as what I said registers in my mind I cover my mouth with my hands. He turns towards me his face looking like a tomato "T-thanks Shin" Oh god I just told Denki he's cute. I cover my face with my hands to hide my embarrassment but I feel Denki tug my hands open and say "Peek-A-Boo!" This makes me blush even more. He pushes me back on the bed and lays his head on my stomach "Goodnight Shin" I was shocked to say the least, I mean it's a school night, but I wasn't mad about it either "Goodnight Kami, sweet dreams"

Purple Electricity (Hitoshi Shinso x Trans! Denki Kaminari)Where stories live. Discover now