(8) Invitation

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Shinso POV:

I wake up and try to get out of bed but I feel a weight on my chest. 'Wh- oh it's Kaminari' "Can I sleep longer" he whines "No, today is a school day, but it's only a half day so no hero course meaning we can relax from yesterday" I run my fingers through his poofed up hair "Cmon get off of me, we have to get dressed" I pat him on the back and he moves a bit, "Fineeee" He grabs all his clothes and heads into the bathroom and I head back to my dorm. 

After we both change we decide to just grab some cereal for breakfast seeing at we'd be late if we took any longer. We rush off to class and it seems to go by a lot slower than usual but that's fine. When we get to lunch me and Denki chat in the lunch line but he get's pulled away by the bakusquad.

Denki POV

The bakusquad pulls me away from my conversation which I'm a bit sad about, I really like talking to him. "Hey Denki you're good at english, can you help me after lunch? Just for an hour or two?" Kirishima asks and Mina asks if she can join "Yeah, just come to my dorm after lunch" After that they go back to talking but every time I try to say something they just cut me off so I eventually go to where Shinso's sitting. 

Shinso POV:

"Hey Shin!" He waves at me a bit  "Hey Kami, what made you leave your friends table?" I tilt my head a bit "They weren't really talking to me so I just decided to come and eat over here" He sits down  next to me. "Shin shin shin!" he looks as if he'd just remembered something really important "We got Aizawa-Sensei to allow us to throw a party because we missed the ceremony at the beginning of the year" he grabs my hand out of excitement but quickly lets go "That's really cool,  who are you asking? Jiro I suppose?" "No, I was hoping someone else would ask me out" I had a plan "Hey Kami come to my dorm at 3:30" "Ok" If he got to my dorm at 3:30 that should give me enough time to get ready.

As soon as lunch was over I headed to my dorm. I quickly took a shower and styled my hair like normal, put on some jeans and a hoodie and left. I went to the flower shop and picked out some sunflowers and lavenders, payed and left. When I got back to my dorm I changed into my nicest dress shirt and nicest pants with a tie. By now it was about 3:00 PM so I decided to wrap up the stems of the flowers all nice and write a note. 'God I'm so nervous' I hear a knock at the door, I look through the peephole and it's Denki, it's now or nothing. I open the door and before he has a chance to say anything I grab the flowers, had it to him and say "Will you be my date to the party?" he looks shocked, but not in a bad way "S-Shinso, of course I will! Actually... " He pulls some flowers from behind his back "I wanted to ask you out to" I can't believe this just happened. 

We go inside and I give him a big hug. When we both pull away from the hug I ask him a question "But why do you like me? Nobody's ever wanted to be my friend let alone boyfriend" "Because you're smart, and sweet, cool, why wouldn't I like you? And why do you like me?" he leans his head on my shoulder so I answer "You've never told me I was a villain, you were the only one who wanted to be my friend, when I had to go home you insisted you came with me, you're always so happy and energetic, and most importantly you've never left me." I give him a tiny kiss on the forehead "I need to change, this is kinda uncomfortable" "Ok, I have a surprise for you once you're changed"

I grab my clothes and head into the bathroom. When I got out Denki had (the little hair he could) in two pigtails with two strands of his hair hanging out in the front. "Lets go" he grabs my hand and drags me out of the dorm. We walk for awhile till (in the distance) I see the playground. "Kami are we going where I think we're going?" I ask "Maybe... Well I'm taking you to a spot for a d-date" he blushes a bit "Kami, you didn't have to, but thanks" I kiss his cheek. 

We keep walking and he leads me to the place of his drawing. I see something carved into the bark so I go to check it out "When the sun starts to rain, you know it's bad" I murmured. He just grabs my hand and leads me to where a blanket had been laid down. We sat there for awhile, laughing, talking, smiling, and letting the world drift away along with our problems. That day was the best day ever.

Purple Electricity (Hitoshi Shinso x Trans! Denki Kaminari)Where stories live. Discover now