(10) Controlled Dreams

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Ummmm what the fuck? 200 reads? Why do you like my crappy writing? But seriously I froze when I saw how many reads this has, thank you so much, I love you all. And I absolutely love your comments. Also sorry in advance for Mina, she's actually one of my fav characters.

Shinso POV (three days before the dance):

It's the next day so we have to go to school, luckily I haven't hear anything about Kami being trans. But yet something still seemed, off... When we were in homeroom Mina whispered something in Kami's ear and left, he looked scarred and avoided me, even at lunch he just sat by himself and during hero class he didn't talk to me at all. I was getting really worried so I texted him and asked if he wanted to talk to which he agreed.

He knocked on my door a few moments later and I let him in. "Kami why haven't you been talking to me?" He looked into my eyes and just said "It's Kaminari." I was dumbfounded "Wh- ok but that didn't answer my question" "I don't want to talk to you anymore, oh and  fyi, you're no longer my boyfriend, we're done, don't try talking to me." with that he turned away and left

Kami POV:

As soon as I shut my dorm door I started balling, I'd broken up with Shinso, lost my date to the party, and broken my own heart and possibly his, and all because Mina had to blackmail me. Shinso could probably hear me but I didn't care. I grabbed the hoodie he left at my dorm and put it on, it's so warm I could stay there forever, and so I did, just drifting off to sleep cuddling his hoodie.

I hear my alarm going off 'I have school'  I can't do that today, I'll just say I'm sick. I hit my alarm to shut it up. Before I go back to bed I remember what I did last night. I just go to bed so I don't have to think about it.

Kami's dream:

I'm walking around an unfamiliar place. It was pretty bare. There was a group of kids just across a bridge. Instead of asking if they knew where this was I decided to sit on the railing of the bridge, and think. Think about everything that's happened the past week or so. 

I'm falling, why am I falling? Where's the bridge? "Where ya going?" I look up to see the voice is one of the kids who were talking in the group. They reach out their hand and I take it "Thanks, but where are we?" He looks confused for a second then answers "Everywhere, nowhere. Where do you want to be?" "I want to be with my b- with Shinso, and tell him sorry"  He starts laughing "This isn't that type of dream, this is the type of dream where I control everything." "Who are you?" "Ha! I'm your fear, your anger, your pain. I'm you, but I can look like anybody." He suddenly looks like Shinso and starts talking "I'll never love you, I never did. I want you to be sad, never talk to me" and with that he disappeared and tears started rolling down my face.

~Dream End~

I start screaming and wake up, tears streaming down my face.A few seconds later I hear knocking on my door so I answer. I forgot that Deku, my other neighbor, was staying at his dorm because he broke his bones, AGAIN "Kaminari! Why are you screaming?" he sounded really worried "And why are you crying?" I open the door inviting him in and he sits on the floor so I join him "It's, it's just a bad dream" I look down "I know it's more than that, you can tell me what it is, but only if you want" "Ok... I told Shinso I'm- that part not's important, and Mina heard, and then I yelled at the Bakusquad because they weren't being good friends and now Mina blackmailed me into breaking up with Shinso." "Kaminari, you need to tell me what she found out so I can help" I take a deep breath in "She found out I'm trans" "Ok, so if Mina does tell anybody then i'm pretty sure Aizawa would expel her and anybody making fun of you faster than you could say 'Plus Ultra'" I giggle "Thanks, but I have one more question" "What is it?" "How should I apologize to Shinso, for breaking up with him?" "You just have to tell him what happened and hope for the best" He gives me as best of a hug he can with his casts and he leaves.

Purple Electricity (Hitoshi Shinso x Trans! Denki Kaminari)Where stories live. Discover now