bonus two

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this is for everyone who asked me how the fans found out:) (also let's pretend the stans would have stayed for years)

thanks for reading and loving this story so much! it means the world to me!

"The groom is not supposed to see the bride before the wedding!" Ricky screamed, whipping around, his hands hitting his eyes as he made sure to be unable to see her.

Nini chuckled, shaking her head slightly. "What do you think is gonna happen if you do?" She was standing in the doorway of his bathroom in a long white dress.

"You'll magically combust on fire, actually. Which would make me very sad."

Nini walked towards him, her arms sneaking around his abdomen, hugging him from behind, her cheek pressed against his back. She hold onto him tightly and she felt him relax. "Maybe you should turn around just for the drama of being burned alive the day of my wedding. Imagine the guests' faces."

Ricky laughed to himself, a tiny giggle like he didn't want to but couldn't help himself. "It's not funny," he said, but she could still hear the smile in his voice.

"Sure it's not," she teased. She raised herself on her tippy toes, kissing the back of his neck softly, before whispering, "I'm happy we're doing this."

"Me too." There was glee and excitement in his voice, and Nini felt some kind of relief. It was not like she ever doubted Ricky wanted to do this, she knew he had worked through most of his relationship issues his parents' brutal divorce had left behind (after all, he was the one to ask her, against all her expectations), but there was still some tiny, little, unsquashable fear he was getting ready to run inside of her. "I love you, Nini." A wide grin cracked her skull and she blushed at the words, just like she did years ago. "I'd be happy wherever we are, as long as I'm with you."

"You're getting mushy," she said playfully, poking his ribs with one of her fingers.

"It's my wedding day, let me be cheesy in peace," he said with faux annoyance and she laughed.

"It's my wedding day too. I get to be as annoying as I want."

Before Ricky could answer anything, a stressed out and rushed Kourtney entered the room, perfectly put together as is traditional for her but wild in the eyes. Nini broke apart, letting go of him as if they had been doing something wrong. She rolled her eyes, a relieved sigh coming out of her lips. "There you are. I've been looking everywhere for you."

"Sorry, I was just-"

Kourtney cut her, "I don't care. Ashlyn has started crying and Kimi keeps running off everywhere like the little devil she is-"

"How dare you call our niece that," Nini cried out with fake offense, her tone over dramatic. Kimi was Carlos and Seb's adopted daughter, barely three today, and she had obviously been adopted by their little family too, more uncles and aunts to her than her actual ones (and she had a lot of them with Seb's farm family).

Kourtney gave her a deadpanned look, "You know how much I love the girl. She's gonna rule the world and I'll be right there, cheering her on. However, she's a little minx and she keeps running off and we have to chase her and EJ is whoever knows where and it's all just a big mess and-"

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