Apple Tree

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After assisting Mallory to his apartment, Don decided to visit his former home, an old cabin in the woods. He always kept the house clean for sentimental reasons, being his last wife, Lucy, used to live here with him.

The items in the house were kept in decent condition. The old decorations like the grandfather clock, statues of little cherubs, and his wife's several framed pictures in the wall remained in their positions for fifty years.

Don sat down and fell asleep on his dusty sofa in front of his old television. The television was on a music channel where a song of a band called Panicland played their melancholic song, Apple tree.

"Every night
I have the same old dream
It's the day you die
'til I change one thing
And now you're lying next to me
Underneath the apple tree"

His eyes opened in a dream, and saw Lucy in front of him. They both laid on a red and white striped blanket under an apple tree, their favourite picnic spot. An apple fell on Don's head, startling him and making him sit to look up. He was about to get furious until he saw Lucy's deep ocean blue eyes sparkle and squint as she burst into a contagious laughter.

"Your eyes on mine, they feel so real

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"Your eyes on mine,
they feel so real

Gotta stay asleep,
let's hide in a memory

And then take our time,
until time takes you
away from me

And back to the apple tree

Back to the a-a-a-apple tree"

Don couldn't help but to laugh too as they stared at each other lovingly. Lucy's roseate giggles slowly stopped. His smile quickly faded as blood spilled from her mouth. Her eyes were drained of life as she collapsed into his arms. He yelled her name and tried to wake her up. "Lucy! Wake up! Please..."

He laid his head down gently against her pale cheeks and held her cold hands tightly.

"Every night
I have the same old dream

By the broken bridge from reality

Where your bruised fruit
still taste so sweet

Underneath the apple tree"

He raised his head up, lips quivering. He wanted to cry, but his tears refused to fall. He looked up and saw familiar soldiers aiming at him with rifles. His eyes widened with rage. Before he could react, sounds of bullets deafened his ears.

"Your eyes on mine, they feel so real

Gotta stay asleep, let's hide in a memory

And then take our time, until time takes you away from me

And back to the apple tree

Back to the a-a-a-apple tree"

After a few seconds of ringing, he opened up his eyes again and saw Lucy in her wedding dress. They were holding each other's hands beneath an arch. He noticed he was in the same old church where they were married. The significant difference was that it was in complete ruins and the roof was absent. He squinted and covered his eyes as the sky brightened from the sun's rays.

"Where I beg

Don't let the sun shine on my face

For I don't wanna wake

Don't let the sun
shine on my face

Sun shine on my face,
sun shine on my face

Sun shine on my face"

He slightly flinched as soon as he set his eyes on his bride, who looked like an animated corpse. She spoke up with her meek voice and misty-eyes, "Don, It was not your fault. It hurts me to see you so terribly sad."

Don forced himself a grin and shook his head mildly, "Why do you keep saying that? I always wear a smile on my face, especially when I see you."

She smiled faintly and whispered, "You're right, Don. You are smiling, but your eyes say differently."

Don's smile dropped as he gradually faltered, "How could I ever be happy? I lost my best friend too soon."

Lucy held her trembling hands up and stroked Don's cheeks with her bony fingers.

"I know you'll be happy again. I know you'll find someone that will stay for you much longer," she cooed. "I can feel it."

"How long? How long before the last one, Lucy?" Don asked hysterically as his eyes became more misty, "Please, tell me."

Lucy combed his hair with her icy fingers. "My time is running out. I wish you well, my dear."

The chime of the grandfather clock startled Don awake from his slumber. He rubbed his eyes and combed his hair with his fingers.

"Why do I keep getting these damn nightmares?" he sighed heavily as he reclined his leather sofa.

"Why do I keep getting these damn nightmares?" he sighed heavily as he reclined his leather sofa

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