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"Stop it Owen!" Tara squealed, thrashing against Owen as he ran his fingers over her sides. She absolutely despised being tickled.

"That's what you get for ignoring me all week." He smirked and finally let go of the heaving girl who was now glaring at him. "Next time just tell me how you're feeling. Remember that thing we talked about called communication?"

"You were flirting with Livy right in front of me! You know how much I hate her," she complained.

"Tara," he sounded exasperated, "I just told her that her new haircut looks nice."


He blinked stupidly. "Babe, how is that flirting?"

Tara's eyes practically popped out of their sockets. "Please tell me you're kidding," she begged weakly.

He slowly shook his head in confusion. He loved his girlfriend, but she confused the hell out of him sometimes.

"Tara, it was just a compliment. That's all," Owen insisted.

She caved at the way her boyfriend pouted at her with his cute puppy dog eyes that no one with a heart was able to resist.

"Fine. But you're walking me to first period."

Owen nodded before linking their arms together. He was appreciative that she quickly forgave him since she always opted for the silent treatment when she was upset. Though he didn't really see it as a punishment most of the time and more so a reward, which backfired, but he really had missed her since he was out of state all month for football. He loved all kinds of sports and devoted his life to the outdoors. He hadn't gotten to spend much time with her since he was gone for so long though. It was worth it to feel the cool breeze on his skin, feel the burn in his legs when he ran for long, taste the victory of a touchdown, but he wished to see his dad cheering for him in the bleachers.

Owen didn't have the best relationship with his family. His parents and siblings were all rich snobs that he couldn't stand. They saw academic achievements above all else. School was never his thing so they all viewed him as an idiot. It wasn't his fault. No matter how hard he tried he just couldn't fit numbers together or analyze stupid novels they read in class. Sports were the one thing that came naturally to him and his desire for his family to be proud of him ran through to his core.

Tara noticed him. She gave him the attention he needed and filled the empty void his parents left in him. Some of it, anyway.

He didn't know what real love felt like, but he was sure Tara came close to it.

She knew none of this, though. He hadn't ever opened up to anyone about his insecurities. He was Owen Wilson. Captain of the football, track, and basketball team. Incredibly popular, extremely attractive, ridiculously cool. He didn't have time for insecurities. He had a reputation to uphold.

"I was already planning on it." His perfect smile made Tara swoon. His teeth were pearly white and made the corners of his hazel eyes crinkle. Anyone who could see was mesmerized by his looks. She was no different.

"Let's go, I want to get a seat in the back of class." She intertwined her fingers with his before pecking his lips.

"What class do you have?" he questioned as they weaved through the parked cars.

"Chem first period, what about you? Let me just see your schedule. I really hope we have some classes together. Do you th—"

A car door slammed straight into Tara's face since neither of the two was paying any attention, wrapped up in their own world full of unicorns and rainbows. She screamed and clutched her nose that instantly started gushing blood all over her new clothes.

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