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Conan hadn't been so nervous in a long, long time. He was wearing his track uniform: blue basketball shorts and a white sleeveless shirt which matched the school colors. The clothing was a little loose on him which made him incredibly embarrassed because it was the smallest size but Owen thought he looked adorable. Though the observation was silent of course.

It was deathly early in the morning and everyone was exhausted. The sun hadn't even risen yet.

"Did you remember to bring a bottle of water?" Owen asked Conan as they walked to the bus together. He had picked him up from his house to drive to the school where the team was meeting on a bus to drive together.

They were competing at their opponent's school which was a little far away from them. The part of Massachusetts they lived in was sparse without many other schools around, so for every sports match the teams always ended up riding a bus together.

"Shit," Conan muttered. "I knew I forgot something."

"Take mine." Owen handed him the water bottle he brought.

"It's fine. It's yours."

"But I want you to have it," he insisted, holding it out for Conan who refused to take it.

Owen secretly wanted him to take it because he had already drunk a portion of it and if Conan took a sip then it would be kind of like kissing him. That was his logic. Extremely intelligent logic.

Gavin practically galloped over to them and snatched it out of Owen's hands before forcing it into Conan's instead. "Stop arguing, lovebirds. Just share it for fuck's sake."

"Oh fuck off would you!" Owen shoved Gavin's shoulder who grumbled with a glare.

"Stop being so mean to me!" he whined with a pout.

Owen shook his head with a huff. "I need to round everyone on the bus. I'll talk to you later. Save a seat for me," he directed to Conan.

Since he was the captain he was in charge of instructing everyone what to do. It was kind of hot to watch the puppy dog boss people around honestly.

"I will," Conan murmured, secretly happy that Owen wanted to sit with him of all people.

"But we always sit together!" Gavin protested though it was too late as Owen was already gone.

Conan watched dreamily as Owen spouted orders for the dozens of teammates to listen to. Everyone immediately paid him attention when he whistled, the chatter dying down. He was well respected and no one would dare defy him.

Not that they would want to - Owen was a great captain. He pushed everyone to do better and took control of situations when need be while still considering his team's feelings. Without him they wouldn't be nearly as successful as they were. They hadn't lost a match all season last year and ended up un-defeated.

Owen ushered everyone onto the bus. Coach watched with a proud smile at his progressing leadership skills. He had faith that he would go big places someday.

Owen stood next to the bus entrance and fist bumped everyone who got on the bus. As Conan went up the steps, he felt Owen's hand on the small of his back to guide him for a split second before it was gone. He hid his giddy smile as he found an empty seat for them both.

"Conan!" Cailey waved from a spot near the front of the bus. "Come sit with me!"

He had been avoiding her ever since the restaurant incident days ago along with Duncan. She knew his secret and he didn't want to deal with the confrontation.

He guiltily pretended not to hear her over the loud chatter on the bus, finding a spot in the far back.

"Hey stranger. Nice to meet you." Owen held out his hand for Conan to shake. "Is this seat taken?"

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