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"Guys, quit it!" Gavin shouted, grabbing Owen's left bicep.

"I'm gonna fucking kill him," Owen seethed, using his other arm to swing a punch that made Duncan stumble back and crash into the booth behind him.

Conan watched with wide eyes as the two boys swung their fists at each other. Customers were gasping and running away from the scene while the waiters stood in shock, not knowing what to do.

Glasses and dishes shattered on the floor when Duncan knocked Owen into the table but Owen dragged Duncan down with him.

"You think you're all that, don't you!" Duncan yelled. "You think you're so cool just because you can throw a ball and run a few miles, but you're not shit either!"

Duncan's head slammed into the ground when Owen pounced on him. He punched him in the jaw and Duncan's head was thrown to the side from the force behind it. "Are you really serious right now?" He laughed bitterly. "You act like the world owes you something when it doesn't. News flash, you deserve hell."

Owen dodged Duncan's clumsy strike and grabbed his wrist before pinning it beside his head. "You have no fucking idea what I've been through!"

Owen whammed his balled-up fist into Duncan's face again. He hit him without remorse, not caring at the way the boy was helplessly thrashing around from under him.

"Owen," Conan knelt next to Owen who was burning with rage, "it's okay. Just stop."

Owen's brown eyes met Conan's big ones that were full of fury. Despite hating Duncan, they were still brothers. Twins even. He didn't like seeing him hurt even if he was asking for it- at least he didn't most of the time.

"I don't need your goddamn help," Duncan hissed at Conan. "Why can't you just leave me the fuck alone for once!"

"I'm trying to help you, asshole!" Conan's voice came out startlingly loud compared to his usual timid demeanor. "Why can't you just look past your stupid fucking pride for once and quit being a dick to everyone!"

Everyone watched Conan's outburst with parted lips and jaws dropped to the floor. The boy who was small and quiet had reached his breaking point. He was so fed up with his twin victimizing himself all the time. He couldn't take it anymore.

"It's your fault I'm like this!" he screamed, shoving Owen off of him who was too shocked to hold him down. "You're the one that made us move, you're the one that ruined my senior year. You made me leave my girlfriend, my friends, my plans, my life, my everything!"

Duncan's voice cracked as he shouted. He too was fed up with his brother who he didn't think was considering his feelings. He thought Conan was being selfish, ruining all he had going for him.

"It wasn't in my control and you know that," he defended meekly with downcast eyes.

Duncan stood and Conan pushed off of the floor in unison. Duncan towered over him and his intimidating death glare sizzled right through the shorter boy who couldn't deny his slight fear. He didn't think his brother would ever hit him or do anything rash although he couldn't shake the nagging feeling that he might.

"It's your fault for being a stupid fucking tr-"

He suddenly groaned in pain and toppled over to his knees, his hands cupping his crotch. Cailey, who was standing behind him, was revealed when Duncan fell down as she kicked him in the nuts.

"Watch your damn mouth before someone shoves a dick in it!" she yelled, kicking him in the gut and causing him to fall over completely.

She knows.

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