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The next day had rolled around and some members of the track team were meeting in the parking lot so that they could go out for food together. It was a regular event for them but since Conan was new he had never been. There were nerves eating away at his stomach but he was determined to put more effort into socializing.

The fact that Owen was going had nothing to do with it at all. Obviously not.

He was standing with Owen, Cailey, Gavin and a few other people he didn't know. They were immersed in conversation as his eyes wandered the parking lot.

"I'm excited for our first competition this weekend," Gavin spoke, "not that it'll be much of a competition since we're up against Central. But still."

"Same. We should go out to celebrate our win after," one of the guys Conan didn't know said thoughtfully. "Preferably somewhere with weed."

Owen smacked the side of his head, making the boy yelp. "Your brain is small enough as it is, Keegan."

"But... weed..." He frowned, rubbing the spot Owen had hit him with a grimace.

"You act like smoking is a personality trait." Cailey rolled her eyes. "How can you be a runner and smoke? Your poor lungs are probably black by now."

They continued to bicker as Conan mindlessly looked around. They didn't know who they were waiting for since there were at least fifteen people there already.

"There you guys are!" Gavin cheered mid conversation.

Conan glanced back to see what he was talking about when he saw a few guys walking over. They were from the football team. He only knew that because he recognized a few from when he had to wait at practice, that and the fact that Duncan was with them in his new jersey.

The two made eye contact and their hearts dropped. Duncan didn't want anyone knowing they were related and Conan wanted nothing to do with him for multiple obvious reasons- especially in social situations because he was scared his brother might accidentally out him.

"You guys ready? I'm starving." One of the football players yawned, holding his car keys in his hand.

"Hell yes. What took so damn long?" Gavin went over to high five a few of them and Owen did the same, blatantly ignoring Duncan.

"Owen," Conan tugged on his sleeve, "I thought it was only the track team coming."

Owen looked down at his friend with a worried frown. "I didn't know they were coming." The hint of fear on Conan's face tugged at his heartstrings. "We can leave them and go do something else if you want."

"It's alright," he lied. He didn't want to ruin the day for everyone else.

Owen went to protest but was interrupted by the guys shoving them all towards their cars.

"You want to ride with me?" He settled for instead. "You guys can come too if you want," he spoke to Cailey and Gavin.

"Yeah sure." Conan nodded, face heating up when Owen opened the passenger's side door for him.

"Ladies first," Owen joked innocently, oblivious to the deeper meaning beneath the statement.

Conan's gut twisted inside his stomach as his dysphoria practically slapped him across the face. He forced a pained smile and got into the car, flinching when Owen shut it after him.

He didn't mean it. He doesn't know. He didn't mean it like that. He didn't.

"I'm pissed the football boys showed up," she grumbled, looking out the window while the boys got in.

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