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Water ran down Owen's body as he stood under the shower in the locker room. Other boys around him were changing and getting their things together since practice had just ended. The cold water felt euphoric against his heated skin from running so much. He had been a bit off a show off during the races- he couldn't help himself.

After he was done he turned the level and grabbed his towel to dry off before changing into his original clothes. He scanned the room to find Conan. He was planning on asking him to hang back so he could 'give him some pointers' for meets. In actuality, he just wanted to spend time with the boy.

Owen enjoyed Conan's company. Most high schoolers were fake or just assholes but Conan was different to him. He couldn't quite place his finger on what it was about him, but he liked being around him more than he should've, especially when they barely knew each other.

But he didn't see Conan anywhere in the room. He was sure he would've come back to change and return his clothes. Maybe he wanted to wash them first? Owen didn't mind, but Conan seemed like the courteous type who would do something like that. He found it kind of sweet actually.

"Gavin, have you seen Hill?" Owen grabbed the elbow of his best friend, Gavin, as he walked by.

The two had been close since they were toddlers and used to be around each other constantly. Until Owen started dating Tara. Their relationship had created a gap between their friendship and Gavin hated her for it but never mentioned it to Owen who was oblivious.

"Who?" Gavin pulled his shirt over his head and used it to wipe the sweat off of his face.

"Conan Hill," Owen corrected. "The short brunette. You seen him?"

"I have no idea who that is." He shook his head, running a hand through his damp hair. "By the way, are you going to Sophie's party this weekend?"

"I didn't know she was throwing a party." He rubbed his towel over his head to dry his wet locks that were dripping down his forehead.

"You should come." Gavin shrugged casually as he pulled on a new shirt that was in his locker. "We haven't hung out in a while."

"I'll have to see what Tar's plans are first. She's always scared I'll cheat on her with any chick I make eye contact with," he snickered.

"Yeah, whatever man." Gavin slammed his locker shut. "Tara's a manipulative bitch that's changed your entire personality. We never even see each other anymore because she's fucking psychotic and doesn't let you do anything! Just fucking forget it," he snapped and stormed out of the room, leaving Owen stunned and confused from his friend's abrupt behavior.

"Uhh, good talk I guess," he muttered to himself.

He gathered his belongings and slung his backpack over his shoulder. The thing was practically weightless with only one (empty) notebook and broken pencil inside.

He left the gym and looked around the parking lot in hopes of being able to catch Conan before he went home. A wide smile grew on his face when he found him standing next to a tree, but his face hardened when he noticed the girl he was talking to.

"Oh wait, that's that lesbian chick," he mumbled and the grin was back in an instant.

No girl with blue hair was straight.

"Conan!" Owen called as he jogged across the street, almost getting hit by a car that beeped at him angrily. He just flipped the driver off and kept going until he was next to Conan.

"Hey," Conan greeted nervously and twiddled his thumbs together.

"I was going to ask if you wanted to stay a little longer?" Owen asked with his happy expression that everyone was so used to. "I can give you a few pointers. And I could give you a tour of the school if you wanted. There are a few spots everyone goes to skip classes that the teachers don't know about, if you want to see it."

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