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The adrenaline rushing through Conan's veins distracted him from the burning ache in his legs. The twenty kids lined up all took off in a sprint, determined to win.

He ran with every ounce of strength he had in him. If he had to race then he at least wanted to impress Owen and make him proud. So, he barreled down the track, heaving but his pace didn't falter at all.

The sound of heavy footsteps from their sneakers smacking against the concrete added to the building suspense. There was cheering and wooing, and the crowd was going wild but Conan paid it no mind. He was focused on one thing and only one thing: the finish line.

And maybe Owen.


He drew closer and closer to the end, refusing to slow down despite the growing tiredness. His eyes focused on the white line of chalk as he sprinted at lightning speed.

He ended up coming in third, but he didn't mind because Owen was first and Gavin was second.

The second Conan's feet crossed over the line, Owen was picking him up and shaking him like a rag doll. "I told you you'd do great!"

"Owen, put me down!" he laughed, pushing at his chest.

Owen's beaming grin never left his face as he shook the smaller boy around. "You just need to have more faith in yourself."

"And you need to let me go," he snickered, worming away from Owen.

The competition continued for four more hours and by then everyone was exhausted. Their team ended up beating Central big time and the opponents were pissed while the Easton High students celebrated.

Practically asleep, they all sluggishly got onto the bus to go back to the school. Conan's legs felt like jelly as he wobbled after Owen to sit back in their original seats.

"So," the dirty blonde said casually, "are we still going out to celebrate when we get back?"

"I don't know.," Conan curled up in his seat with his arms wrapped around his calves and chin resting on his knees. "I'm really tired."

"Sleep now so you have energy after." Owen pouted. "You were my pillow on the ride here, so I volunteer to be yours on the way back. It's only fair."

Bullshit he thought to himself. He just wanted to feel Conan cuddled up to him and that was the best excuse he could come up with.

"We'll see." Conan yawned cutely, twisting around in his seat so that his head was laying on Owen's lap.

It was now Owen's turn to admire the boy as his long eyelashes rested upon his flushed cheeks. He stared down at him lovingly, waiting for his breaths to even out.

Unlike Conan, Owen was shameless and didn't give a fuck about being overly bold. He brushed Conan's hair away from his forehead and twisted his fingers through the soft tresses that were a rich brown color. His gaze stayed on him for way too long as he admired Conan's pink lips and cute button nose.

Owen didn't know any other guys with such delicate features though he didn't question the observation. He thought it was insanely adorable while Conan hated it.

"It's rude to stare," Conan mimicked, peeking up at Owen.

"Can I take a picture?" Owen smiled sweetly and removed his fingers from Conan's locks that were ridiculously soft. "It'll last longer."

He shook his head with an eye roll. "You woke me up, ass."

"I didn't do anything," Owen scoffed.

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by hudson
Conan Hill is a trans male looking to escape his haunting past. He wa...
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