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A full week had passed by and Conan still hadn't made a single friend. He tried to, but talking wasn't exactly his thing and he always ended up fumbling over his words or getting too nervous to say anything at all. He wasn't thrilled with the new school but at least he wasn't getting bullied every day anymore.

His wish of being invisible was granted, but it didn't feel as good as he thought it would.

Now all he wanted was to go home. It was the day for football tryouts and Duncan wanted to join the team. Since they shared a car, Conan was stuck waiting for him on the bleachers. The air was chilly and managed to seep through his hoodie. He really wanted to leave.

"Keep up, Hill!"

Conan's head shot up when his last name was called but he realized it was directed at his brother who was struggling to keep up with the other boys. Conan didn't know much about sports, but he did know that their old school's team was garbage. Duncan was strong but hotheaded with messy form. His ego was ridiculously large since everyone else sucked, so he looked good despite just being mediocre. Now, being last place in front of all the other boys, he was embarrassed and angry.

"I'm just warming up," he grumbled back to the team captain, Owen. From where Conan was sitting he couldn't see who it was, but he wasn't paying much attention anyway. He was scrolling through his phone in boredom, begging time to pass by faster.

Everyone was doing laps around the field. They were only ten minutes into the session, but the field was much bigger than the one in Texas. At least three times bigger. Duncan was nothing compared to the other guys jogging with ease. His pride couldn't handle it and he ignored the ache in his legs as he ran faster.

"I'd cool it with the attitude, Hill. Unless you don't want a spot on the team."

Duncan clenched his fists in anger at Owen's words. Owen was bigger than the rest of the guys and hadn't even begun sweating yet. Duncan was confident, but Owen was more confident in his abilities. People either looked up to him because of his talent or hated him because of their jealousy. Duncan held back his sharp tongue and kept running. He hated the captain, but he had to make the team. He'd shut up for the next forty-five minutes if that's what it took. Hopefully.

"Stevenson, fix your form! Mitchell, I've ran faster in my sleep!" Owen barked out orders and critical words at the boys. Some people thought he looked like a jerk but being tough on them was what made them a good team. They needed his criticism in order to succeed.

Conan checked the time, only fifteen minutes were left. They were all about to scrimmage and separated into two different teams with yellow over shirts signifying the separation.

He sighed, looking up when his phone battery grew dangerously low, forcing him to watch the boring game for the remaining time to make sure he could still use it in an emergency. He didn't understand the point in throwing around a ball and tackling other people for it. They looked like wild animals and he wanted no part in it.

"Hill, what the are you doing!" Owen shouted at Duncan who was exhausted after running so much. The ball flew right past him and he barely moved an inch toward it.

"I'm tired." He gritted his teeth and resisted punching Owen like his body was begging him to.

"Tired?" Owen laughed bitterly. "You think opponents will care if you're tired?"

Duncan felt shame creep up his spine, but his ego wouldn't let him retreat. "I'll try harder," he spat.

Owen shook his head. "I've seen enough. We've got two more rounds of tryouts before coach and I make our decisions. Come back tomorrow."

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