Kiri I Need to Tell you Something

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Before we start I would like to give a shout out for elvivmar12 for supporting me for so long.She is also a nice person from what I gathered from chatting with her. Enjoy the chapter.

Kirishima's POV:
It's Saturday and I'm stressing to find a good outfit. I already know I can't wear my precious crocs. I don't want to dress up to much, but I don't want to dress to little. Eventually I decided that a red button up and black pants with dress shoes would work. Of course I also fixed my hair. I realized afterwards that we are riding Bakugou's ride so my hair would be messed up from the helmet. To late now.

After I finished getting ready I heard a loud bang from my door. That's probably Bakugou. I opened the door and oh. My. Lord. He looks really good. He has a black suit jacket and white shirt with black pants and dress shoes. I think he might've overdid it but I'm not complaining.

"Are you just gonna keep staring into space? You're drooling!" He got me out of my trance. I think I was about to have a nosebleed just there. I feel my face was getting hot and I hope he thinks it's because of embarrassment.

"Oh! Um. Yeah! Sorry about that. You look nice." I said embarrassed with my hand behind my head.

"Whatever, come on we don't want to be late to the movie." Bakugou said as he started walking away.

We got to the parking lot and I was already saying goodbye to my hair style. Then we passed his motorcycle and got to some nice black car with orange rims. It was sexy. (I don't know a thing about cars so just imagine what kind it is).

"I thought we were taking the motorcycle? I didn't know you had a car." I said as he opened the door for me. Since when did the Katsuki Bakugou have manners!?

"A motorcycle isn't exactly something to drive to every occasion. Plus it looks sexier." He responded. I mean, he isn't wrong.

Time skip to when they reach the theater. Brought to you by Bakugou's road rage.

Bakugou's POV:
"Dude! Stop calling people 'Extras'!" Kirishima said whiwhile laughing.

"I don't see a problem with saying it as it is." I said a little annoyed.

"It's a problem when you honk the horn and flip people off constantly." Kirishima said a little more seriously. Well I can't argue with that.

I got us tickets to the new Jumanji movie. (It's good if you haven't watched it.) We grabbed our popcorn and drinks before heading to the movie. (If it isn't obvious, I haven't been to a movie theater since I was like... nine).

"That movie was halarius dude! Thanks so much for bringing me!" Kirishima told me. He was so bright it was blinding. It was cute.

"Well I'm glad you enjoyed it. Thank God their isn't a pandemic called the Coronavirus keeping us from having fun." I said.

"Huh? What are you talking about? Where did you get Coronavirus from?" He asked confused.

"I don't know. I just made something up." I said. (When he said that he winked in the direction of you readers).

"So what was your favorite part of the movie Kirishima?" I asked.

Time skip to where they are sitting at the restaurant to avoid spoilers, and because I'm fucking lazy

Kirishima's POV:
Bakugou's been unnaturally happy today. He has been having the most subtle blush all afternoon. I feel like he wants to say something. Better leave it alone for now.

"Hello, I will be your wa- EIJIRO IS THAT YOU!" Our waiter said. At first I didn't recognize him but I know who he is. He is one of my exs.

"Hey, Sormino." I said coldly. I saw Bakugou startled because I never sound like this. At least he's not as bad as "him".

"Come on Eijiro! Just call me Rin. I told you I'm sorry for what I did to you." He said. Bakugou looked like if I got any more upset he would go feral.

"Just do your damn job and take our orders." I said coldly. Now Bakugou was really nervous because he never heard me swear. Not even when I stub my pinky toe.

"Ok then. What would you two like to order?" He asked. The only time Rin heard me swear was when I broke up with him.

"I would like a steak, you know how I like it." I said.

"I would like the tantanmen." Bakugou said, skill clearly confused. I know he has encouraged me to cuss before but it's gotta be wierd for him to hear me swear at someone when I never done it before.

Rin walked away with our orders. When he was gone Bakugou looked at me with concern in his eyes.

"Who was that and what did he do to hurt you?" He said. He probably would've yelled if it wouldn't cause a scene. I am so happy we are in public.

"That was Rin Sormino, my first boyfriend." I answered Bakugou, I'm still clearly annoyed.

"What could he possibly have done to make you so mad?" Bakugou asked.

"He cheated on me because I wouldn't have sex with him. He is still better than my other ex though." I said sadly. I still remember what he tried.

Suddenly Bakugou stood up and walked over to me. I must not have realized I was crying from the memory because Bakugou was wiping the tears away. He looked sorry for me and I could tell that he wishes he could help or turn back time. I can't believe how much he actually cares for me. He can't stand others but when he looks at me, something changes, he gets softer and happier. I hugged him. This earned a surprised gasp from Bakugou, which was followed by a hug back. I'm so happy I get to see this side of him.

"Do you want to talk about what your other ex did? If not then take your time, I'm willing to wait for when you're ready." Bakugou whispered to me before going back to his seat.

"Thanks Bakugou. Yeah I don't want to talk about it yet." I said with a smile on my face.

They finished eating and are now walking through a park.

Bakugou's POV:
"This was really fun Bakugou!" Kirishima said looking up at the moon, wearing that goofy grin. He is lighting up the whole park with just his smile in the middle of the night. It's now or never, Katsuki.

"Hey, Kirishima, there's something I need to tell you." I said. I'm turning red as his hair! Kirishima looked at me, confusion in his eyes.

"Sure. What ya got?" He asked. He was tilting his head and being fucking adorable.

"Ok, I'm only gonna say this once. So make sure you pay attention!" I yelled at him. Smooth Katsuki...real smooth. He will totally want to be my boyfriend now. I'M CLEARLY BEING SARCASTIC WITH MYSELF! I'M A IDIOT!

"I'm listening."

"Kirishima, I like you a lot. I've felt this way for a long time but I was to much of a damn coward to tell you. Will you be my boyfriend?" I said in a calm voice. This is so embarrassing. This idiot better say yes.

I noticed Kirishima hasn't said anything in a while so I saw he was shocked. I was about to ask what is taking him so long when I felt a pair of soft lips on mine. I was surprised for a split second but once that second was over I kissed him back. It was the best kiss I've ever had. It was filled with so much passion and love.

Will be continued. They are finally together! Have fun people and stay safe.

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