A Lesson You Will Never Forget

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Bakugou's POV:
I woke up this morning to a sleeping Eijiro holding onto me like his life depends on it. As I was staring at his face I noticed that he had heavy bags under his eyes, did he not sleep after I was captured. Grrraaaahhhh! I should've fought harder, now All Might is in the hospital and I worried Eijiro so much it hurts. I started stroking Eijiro's cheek until he woke up. It was entertaining as hell seeing his reaction to being woken up like this.

"Slept well?" I asked keeping my hand on Eijiro's face and the other on his waist. He leaned into my hand and started blushing slightly.

"Best sleep ever." Eijiro said still very sleepy and nuzzling into my hand. I can stay like this all day, by the look on Eijiro's tired, cute, happy face he can also stay like this all day.

"How about we just skip class today and just cuddle?" In response Eijiro immediately held me tightly. His red hair hasn't faded at all, did he use actual hair dye? I was running my fingers threw his hair as he started drifting to sleep again. It was a perfect moment, it was peaceful, quiet, and relaxing. Nothing can ruin it... or so I thought. The door busted open, why are they so easy to fucking break?!?! (Garroth be shook. Any Aphmau fans?)

"WHAT'S UP BITCHES?" Zoey came in the room yelling like how I do scaring both of us. How did that weak, tiny, toothpick of a girl bust the door open?

"I'm here to get my ke-" she stopped talking after looking at Eijiro and I. That's when I realized we were shirtless, in bed together, and had marks. This is overall a very awkward thing to walk in on without context. She started mildly blushing before slowly turning around.

"I'll, uh, let you get back to it. Didn't realize how much you missed each other." Zoey is normally to innocent for her own good and hates exercise, so this must have been really uncomfortable for her because she sprinted away before we could explain what was happening. (This is why I can't write smut to save my life). I got out of the bed mumbling curses.

"What are you doing Katsuki?" Eijiro asked still very tired and clearly wants me back in bed. I wish Zoey stayed for us to explain what was happening so I could stay in bed.

"We have to go today babe and try explaining to Zoey and if she told anyone, which I highly doubt, we also talk to them, but it's mostly for her so she doesn't get all embarrassed and stuff. You know it will be hard for her to talk to us normally otherwise." After explaining that Eijiro got up and started getting dressed in my clothes. Before we had shirts on I pulled him in for a quick makeout session. It is to fun seeing Eijiro flustered.

"Your shirts are to big, especially in the chest region." Eijiro said wearing one of my many black shirts.

"That's because I have giant tits."

Time skip to when they get to class. But first I will give a fun fact because knowledge is power. Frogs cannot vomit, if it absolutely has to, it will vomit its entire stomach out. Poor Tsu.

We haven't had the chance to talk to Zoey yet. We have a small opening for it after class finishes so we have to act fast.

"Hello class. Today we are going over what makes each sub gender what it is." That man really needs some sleep.

"First we are starting with omegas. An omega is the most fertile of them all, so much that in heat the males can become pregnant. So please use protection. Omegas most of the time are sweet but they can be protective of their mate. Omegas can only be impregnated by men and male omegas can impregnate females of any class."

Why in the hell are we learning this again?

"Betas are just vibing, they don't get very affected by others heat or rut pheromones. They have the easy life of the in between zone, lucky bastards."

"And we have alphas. They are the most powerful, typically territorial, overprotective, angry, basically Bakugou is the best example." SINCE WHEN DID THIS ASSHOLE OF A TEACHER ROAST HIS STUDENTS?

"THE FUCK IS THAT ABOUT YOU ZOMBIE!?!?!" Everyone in class started laughing! Even Eijiro? I gave him the look but he didn't give a flying fuck.

"They make amazing leaders typically." HE IGNORED ME!

"In rut they are extra sensitive to pheromones just like the omegas, they have an intense need to mate, and become more protective of their mate." He continued the lesson for the day about this boring shit.

"We will have a test about this so I suggest you study. Or not, I don't get paid enough for this shit." Aizawa told the class before getting into his cocoon. How is he qualified to teach us?

We were finally able to talk to Zoey, that is after I tackled her when she tried running.

"Can't. Breathe!" She gasped from under me. I forgot how tiny she is. I got off of her and Eijiro tried to help her up but I swear I saw her soul try to leave her.

"The fuck was that about? Were you trying to suffocate me?" Zoey said angrily. Shit it's actually scary to see her when she is super pissed! I don't even think she realizes her eye is twitching. (I just learned my eye twitches when I'm super pissed.)

"I wasn't trying to, I didn't realize I would crush you considering I'm not fat and I was trying to stop you." I said and she gave me a "how can you be so stupid" and a "I will actually destroy you" look.

"One! You could've asked me to stop! Two! Muscle is heavier than fat! Three! You should know how much you weigh and that it would crush my 80 something pound ass!" She knows how to make you feel like shit. I feel like if she wanted too she could roast everyone in class by her observations and Deku's notes that she borrows, she is also studying psychology.

"Katsuki and I wanted to explain the thing that you saw this morning and give you back your keys. Also your motorcycle was awesome." After Eijiro said that Zoey started blushing like a crazy person. Did her anger make her temporarily forget about it? She grabbed her keys stiffly as if she is so embarrassed she is forcing herself to move.

"W-what did y-you want to explain?" She asked looking at the mark on Eijiro that wasn't being consieled.

"We weren't fucking, and we have yet to fuck. What you saw were us cuddling shirtless. The marks are temporary and we would've been chilling in my dorm if you would've stayed or looked at your phone." I explained to Zoey as she got more and more embarrassed.

"Shit I left my phone in my dorm. Sorry about that guys. Kiri, get some concealer on that mark ok." She believed us so easily...

We went through the whole day of school before going back to my dorm for the night. I was able to convince Deku to let us borrow his notes for tomorrow because we are staying in.

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