The Letter

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Kirishima's POV:
Today I'm finally visiting my parents by myself. While I was excited, I couldn't shake the feeling I was being followed. I made a quick stop at a gas station for, well, gas and some candy because I am craving something sweet. I ended up bumping into someone with white hair who seemed creepily familiar.

"Sorry about that dude." The guy said with a coldness that I can't explain. It felt like he had some hidden meaning in his words but forced himself to sound polite. I just smiled and acted like I didn't notice it. I paid for the gas and a bag of m&ms, still thinking about what happened. I got into my truck and drove to my parents feeling goosebumps, something isn't right.

I finally arrived home and rather than relief I felt extra nervous for some reason. That's when I saw a black SUV with heavily tinted windows drive by and it sent a chill down my spine. I rushed to the door and rang the doorbell and tried acting natural.

"Eijiro! Welcome home, come in." My Mom said looking around, something definitely is wrong here. Normally when she greets me I am welcomed by a bear hug. I went inside before I talked to her about what is happening. Mom immediately closed the door and my Dad was waiting in the livingroom for us.

"Eijiro, where is Katsuki?" Dad asked trying to get a normal enough conversation.

"Katsuki is at the dorms, he is in rut and out of rut pills. He suggested I come here without him." I explained while thinking about how Katsuki sounded on the phone. He asked me to take his room key so it stays locked and he won't do anything stupid like tracking me. A couple days ago we gave each other a temporary mark so we should be good on that.

"That's good. Did anything strange happen to you on the way here?" Dad asked holding his hands near his face and slouched like he was deep in thought.

"Do you have your heat pills?" Mom asked me right after Dad asked me about that.

"I felt like I was being followed and a black SUV was driving past the house. Oh and yeah I took my pill, it's in my bag." I told them both as they looked like their worst nightmare came true.

"We have been seeing it too. It has been in front of the house and when we go outside it leaves." Mom said.

"We also feel like we've been followed." Dad said still in the same position. This doesn't sound good.

"Why didn't you call the police?" I asked my parents feeling panicked.

"We can't without evidence or something, all we have is a gut feeling." Mom said sounding upset.

"Try not going out alone son." Dad told me and I shook my head in agreement. We continued the day normally. We watched some movies, ate dinner, talked about random things. I was finally back in my old room when I got a call from Katsuki. He did say he would call every day.

"Hey Katsuki." I said like my normal self. I can't let him know anything is happening otherwise he will probably go crazy and break down the door. Honestly I wish he forgot about calling. I need at least one chapter where I'm the star and not sharing it with Katsuki. (Kirishima! Stick to the bloody script goddamnit! I love you but shh.)

"Hey Eijiro baby, what's happening? You having fun?" Katsuki asked breathing strangely and his voice is deeper than normal, it's kinda sexy. Clean thoughts Eijiro! Clean thoughts! Zoey level innocence activate! (OI!)

"Yeah Katsuki, we have been chilling with movies, talking about all sorts of things, and other stuff." I told him. (Could you give any less information?) I was feeling a lot better and talking like normal.

"That's nice to hear. I miss you so much, I wish you were in my arms." Katsuki said sounding upset. If I was there I feel like he wouldn't just be holding me and I'd probably let it happen rather that fight him. I would be 100% okay with that probably but I'm in heat and he is in rut. It's practically asking to get pregnant.

"I miss you too Katsuki but remember I'm only gonna be gone for four days, you got this." I tried making him feel better. I hate hearing my Katsuki hurt in any way.

"If anything happens call me and I will come, I will gladly bust this door down to get to you." Katsuki stated intensely.

"You know I will Katsuki." I lied. I hate lieing to him. We hung up after that and I felt extremely exhausted all of a sudden. I went into a restless sleep.

In the morning. More fun facts because why not! Sarcasm is a sign of a healthy brain. I must have a very healthy brain then. Come back next time for more fun facts that will probably be psychology related due to I'm about to start studying it at school. Let's get back to our regularly scheduled program.

I woke up with the feeling of dread washing over me. I decided to ignore it and went downstairs to grab breakfast. That's when I saw Mom holding something and looked genuinely scared.

"Eijiro, this was in the livingroom. It's for you." Mom said in a shakey voice while handing me the letter. Why would a letter appear in the livingroom? (Idk, maybe they brought it in there and left it. What do you think!?!) Why is it that this letter fills me with so much fear? (Maybe because you might get a paper cut and don't have your hardening quirk to protect yourself.) I finally opened it and when I read it I passed out in fear. So unmanly.

(Since Kirishima is out of comission so he can't read the note to y'all I got y'all.)

Dear Eijiro,
You really thought you would be safe after locking me up. You were sorely mistaken and now I am free and getting my revenge. I am part of the LOV and already met your boy toy, I hope you enjoyed the "surprise" I made for you. This house is so easy to get into and I have your family's schedule memorized. This is a warning to you Eijiro, or did I loose the ability to call you that? Whatever, I don't care.

Love ----Damien

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