Chapter 13: Yeah...

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Shouto POV

Much time has passed between the four of us as we made our way down to the middle whilst fighting off some of these rookie villains. 

I was able to interrogate one of the 'criminals' as they were frozen in my Ice, but I wasn't able to get any reasonable information. That was honestly no surprise, I mean, my interrogation skills aren't that great as I was just a kid with a cold face and a undeniably powerful quirk. 

Midoriya hasn't been able to defend himself as he was probably saving up his fingers and arms for something worth it which honestly was a very dangerous way of thinking that he had to deal with. So I've been keeping him close- not literally, but I've been doing my best with it. 

Bakugo and his red haired Friend were higher up the messy terrain to try, and get a good look at the situation while me and Midoriya made our way down to try, and find the others.  

It was a smart move for the reasons that we'd be able to understand what exactly was happening better, and also so that Bakugo wouldn't explode the face of Midoriya which would be very much better than if he did.

Right now, the air between us was thick with Concern, not only for each other, but for the rest of our class mates and also anticipation for another possible attack from another one of those criminals.

I was personally fine with the silence, but I could kinda see that Midoriya was more or less unnerved by this entire situation. 

I didn't want to disturb him right now. Who knows what he could possibly be thinking up right now? So I kinda just waited and treaded beside him as we did our best to find the others if there were even others in this place. 

"Do you think that the others are alright?" Midoriya asked, and I just continued walking, feeling no change in demeanor.

"I'm not so sure. Who knows what happened to our classmates." I looked beside me to see a wave of worry pass upon him.

"But I do know that our Classmates are perfectly capable of handling themselves. They were enrolled to U.A. for a reason, and that was not just for their Flashy quirks, but because they already held qualities of Heroes." I responded with him sighing, and tugging at his shirt.

Then for another few minutes we were basking in the silence once more until I felt Midoriya grip at which he pulled me down to the ground so we were both crouching. We've been walking down for a good while now, and we were at a pretty reasonable range to be able to see  the danger zone that was the middle of the USJ. 

"Todoroki-kun, do you see those little dots from the Flood Zone?" I squinted my eyes, looking intently at the water-filled zone.

"I can make them out,  yes, but why? Do you think it's our comrades?" Tilting my head back to the boy beside me, I was able to see him nod, and I dart back at the little figures.

I looked at them more, and soon caught glimpse of possibly a green figure that could've possibly been Tsuyu or someone else with a green silhouette.

"Do you think the Villains know any of our quirks?" He asked, to which I just shrugged. 

"I think it's a possibility, but I don't have any hard evidence on it." Midoriya continued, my eyes just wandering back to our Homeroom teacher who just recently got pounded to the ground by a weirdly muscular thing... What was that?

"Do you think we should try to find out?" I asked, looking at him with eyes that were asking for confirmation.

Midoriya looked focused as ever.

"Yes. We should."

A/N: Hellooooo

Y'all are probably going, "Req, where the Heck were you?"

 and I'm sorry that it's been literally a year or so without any updates to which I could only really say that I've been extremely busy IRL with school and the drama, homework, and many other things that brought along with it. 

Also I've just been having an extremely hard time writing things, and I still really need to catch up with Season Four. 

But enough with the Excuses, Covid has given me plenty of free time so I'm hopefully going to update on this soon enough because this Fanfic deserves as much.

Thank you a lot for the 2K Reads!!! Honestly, I'm shook that I even got 10 reads ;-;

Anyway! Thank you for reading The Perfect Time, Chapter 13! 

And Stay 6 Feet Away from Strangers, Wash your hands, and Sanitize food or products that you've bought before hand!

Stay safe <3 - Req

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14, 2020 ⏰

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