Chapter 20: How to move on

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A/N: First, thank you for all your lovely comments! I read them all and would like to answer each personally but sometimes real life comes in between. I just want you to know I truly appreciate that you take the time out of Your lives to read and give me feedback.

I wish I could make my updates a bit less irregular and I promise the story eventually will be finished.

Chapter 20: How to move on


In which Charlotte and Sidney enjoy a moment of stolen bliss.


"Miss Heywood, I must say I find your behaviour this evening positively shocking", Sidney murmured with his lips pressed to the top of Charlotte's head.

The door was safely locked, and they were resting relaxedly on a chaise longue. Sidney with his back against the backrest, Charlotte leaned against his chest, comfortably fitted between his long legs, with his arms protectively wrapped around her. Some time ago they had interrupted the kissing before it completely got out of hand and were now more peacefully enjoying the nearness of one another. However, Sidney's words made Charlotte stir and turn her face up to his. Concern flashed up inside her as she very well knew the quite unrestrained passion she had shown was appropriate for an unmarried young woman, especially not with a man who was promised to another.

"Do you think ill of me for it?"

His fond smile calmed her even before he spoke.

"Of course not. I also find you more invigorating than sea bathing..."

He softly grazed her lips.

"...more revivifying than the Sanditon air..."

He dotted another gentle kiss, lingering slightly longer with his warm lips against hers.

"... and more amazing than Tom's bathing machines."

Her body relaxed again when she realised he was simply joking. She giggled and answered with feigned indignation.

"Are you comparing me with Tom's bathing machines?"

"They are after all the finest on the entire British coast. At least if you ask Tom."

She loved the barely concealed laughter in his voice. She had heard it before but too few times because he had so often held it back during their acquaintance. At least in the beginning. Slowly he had thawed and gradually showed her more of that endearing side of him. How she loved his laugh. She had not expected to hear it again and it warmed her as much as his body.

"You haven't even tried them, as they are intended for the ladies. If I remember correctly you prefer to go swimming in a more secluded place, like a certain cove."

"I could make an exception. I would not mind trying a bathing machine with you."

He spoke with seductive warmth. Despite that she loved the easy banter and despite the situation they already found themselves in, his comment made her blush.

"I am serious about what I said. What we have done this evening, what we are doing now, is not right. You may not love Mrs Campion, but you are engaged to her and she loves you. That makes me..."

Charlotte was about to say 'the villain' or even 'the harlot'. She did not feel like it though, because the intimacy between her and Sidney felt so natural and completely right. He interrupted her before she could finish the sentence.

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