Chapter 1

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I found myself floating in the air while watching my body being raped by some unknown guys, "wow so this is it?" I question while having doubts in my mind. Who knew that walking alone in a crowd place can still lead me into this situation. If I have known earlier I wouldn't walk home alone. While my mind is still confused about what's happening. I heard someone talking.

"Hey that's enough we already did it like 4 times already" said the guy sitting in the bedside. "Are you already tired? Why not continue more? This is the first time that we catch someone pretty and delicate" Reply the guy with a bald head and an ugly face. I glare at the guy and shouted "who the fuck is delicate?!? Your moms the delicate!! Your whole family is delicate!!" I spat curses at the guy knowing that he doesn't hear me. I took a quick breath and examine the guys who are talking. "Ahh I really had a bud luck, these dudes are not even handsome compare to me and who the fuck wants to date a guy with the size of that?!?" I shouted in my mind. Welp call me shameless but I really think that my face can attract a lot of people. While I'm still having thought s in my mind I suddenly heard the other guy talk again.

"I know but he is already unconscious and it's already daytime his family might start to notice something" the guy said while picking up his clothes and wearing it before going in the door "Well if you want to continue then do as you please" said the guy before leaving the bald man alone. "Heh fine I let you go this time, I still need to visit my wife and my children" said the bald head while picking up his clothes and wearing it. He gave my unconscious body one last look before closing the door.

I ruffle my head and angrily sigh "Hah is that it?!" I can't believe I got to witnessed my own body being raped by some unknown guys and the irritating part is I can't do anything. I already feel helpless while thinking some solutions on how to get my body back.

While millions of solutions are running through my mind I heard a faint voice calling. "Host, hey host can you hear me?" The voice becomes clear and I turn around if someone is here but to no avail I only saw a white ball in the ground. "Umm hello? Who are you?" I slowly question while looking at the white ball on the ground. "Good day host my name is Val and I will be your system from now on" the white ball happily replied. "Uhhh a what again??" I ask, I think I heard he says system? And what host?. While I'm pondering if it's just another scam the white ball called Val suddenly interrupt my thoughts and happily replied "Host I'm not a scam in fact I'm here to help you gain your body back"

what did he say? Help me gain my body back? I started to get interested by what he is saying "Continue" I said "In fact host is really lucky because he gets to be picked by the system which is me" he replied "The job of the host is to help the victim grant his last wishes before his death, don't worry host if you die in the world I can snatch away your soul before you start disappearing, host also remember that the progress bar will show if you made a progress" the system Val replied. "So if I die in that world my body will not be affected to it? But what about my body in the real world? What will happen to it? How will I know that I will be back in the real world?" Several questions came out of my mouth, well it's pretty normal for a person who experience weird situations to ask several questions. "Host, do not worry your body is in a safe place and nothing will happen to it I assured you host. I will inform host if it's time to go back to the real world." He replied "So host are you ready for your first world?" Val excitedly question.

So I'm really doing this huh. I can't believe once I start to leave this room my whole life will change and I'm feeling a bit nervous because I don't know what to expect in those worlds. It might scared me but I don't have any other option do I? So I completely composes myself ready to call Val to start but I have forgotten something "Hey Val before we start, can you check something for me?" I ask "Sure host what is it?" Val excitedly replied "Umm can you check the information of the two guys who raped me?" I shamelessly ask "Umm sure host, the first guy is called Cole Parry he is 21 years old and is attending NY University his parents are divorced because his father cheated on his mother so he is living with his grandparents. His grandparents are rich so they let him do anything that he wants but they don't know that Cole is not attending school but instead going in a club and raping innocent people with his friends" he replied, oh so the first guy is called Cole huh how dare he rape me I'm even older than him!!! I can't wait to get revenge on you just you wait. Before I start my revenge plan Val interrupted me "Host are you listening?!?" He questionably shouted "Oh what was that again" I ask "Host don't forget that there are two people who raped you so are you willing to listen now??" Val questioned "oh yeah, Continue please" I shamelessly asked.

Val sigh "The second person is Hungry Malek a 54 year old business man who travels around the world. His wife's name is Rosan Malek and his children are Maxine Malek and Rowan Malek. His family doesn't know about his sexual orientation of liking men, his family forced him to marry so that their bloodline will continue but Hungry is persistent and wants to be in a relationship with men so he decided that if no one will like him, he shall rape them instead to satisfy his sexual needs" Val patiently explained.

Oh so that is why, he even has a kink to younger, pretty and delicate men and since I'm handsome (A/N: ehem shameless) I'm the perfect target to satisfy their sexual needs. I sigh, whatever I just need to focus on my mission before I deal with those two. They can still relax while I'm gone but they better be ready on what consequences they will get.

I now know the identity of those bastards so I turn to Val " I'm ready let's go" I said " yes host you can reassured that you will be completely safe with me being here." Val excitedly replied

Transmigrating in 3.....2.....1

I compose myself and waited for something to change.  Hope this will turn out good

A/N: hey guys! This is my first work so I'm hoping you'll like it:) if there is some errors kindly please leave a comment and you can freely suggest things in the comment just tell me and I will completely read it:) so yeah Enjoy your read:))

Word count: 1255 words

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