Chapter 7

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Author butting in: Here's a new chapter for you guys! I hope that you're still reading my story even if the updates are slow but I will be very grateful if you are reading it! I may post another one tomorrow~~ but I'm not sure yet since I still have to write a new chap in my other book~ I hope you guys are patiently waiting

This chapter is not edited so expect some wrong grammars and spellings

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WARNING: There are words here that are not appropriate for children


Waking up cuddling with this childish system, I rub my eyes and yawn as I get up to walk towards the bathroom to wash my face. Yesterday's scenario appeared in my mind and I immediately show a disgusted face by remembering what that bxtch is doing

"she's really into that guy huh?" I thought while brushing my teeth only to realize that the guy's face is not even that handsome but you can clearly see the word "sex" in his appearance. 

So not only is she a spoiled little bxth but also so desperate to do that thing?! My mind has been thinking of so many scenarios that are not suitable for children. that is why I quickly remove those thoughts in my mind and finally decided to go out, dazed by what I have been thinking earlier

"I'm innocent, I'm innocent, I'm innocent, I'm innoc--" I keep repeating before I got distracted by this prick who I supposed must have been woken up after I got out of the bed

[Good morning host] Val dazedly replied while rubbing his eyes.

"Gosh, I'm gonna agree that he looks cute wearing that animal pajama, adding up to the fact that he is staring dazedly at his surrounding like a lost animal," I thought while silently squealing, before hitting his head and told him to go to the bathroom to wash his face.

He glares at me thinking that it will scare me but it only made him a lot cuter than before. "Pease stop with that expression of yours... it's deadly" I thought again while laughing at his expression teasing him before finally having enough and urge him to hurry up

[hey! and remember after you finish washing up don't go down okay? I'm just going to bring food after I have eaten] I reminded that prick because I know he already forgot what I've said yesterday

[okay host~~] he replies while closing the door.

After a few minutes~~~

[Host! I'm done!] Val happily said while returning to the bed to lay down. 

[good stay there for a while since I need to go down already] I watched how comfortable he is laying in the bed

[don't worry host I'm gonna have a good time!] he excitedly said while lifting up both of his foot and arms, analyzing every part of his body

[and who says that your gonna rest again?] I questioned while smirking he stops on what he is doing to look at me, confusion is clearly evident in his eyes before asking what is it

[I have a task for you to do, remember what I've told you yesterday about my sister's room] I ask him expecting him to answer but only receive a more confused eye. I sighed, I remember how idiot this prick is. I glare at him and summarize what happened yesterday only to see his eyes sparkling

[ohhhh yes host I now remember!! is it about that sister of yours?] looking at me with excited eyes.

[yep, and you just need to watch over the guy who's my sister is so into, track his location and get his details about his life and about his band] I look at him seriously before telling him that he needed to be serious about it.

[got it host! don't worry about me I will finish this task] he happily replied while giving me a smile. I walk towards him to ruffle his head before heading into the door to go to the dining area to have breakfast with my family  [and host don't forget about my breakfast!] I heard him yell before completely closing the door to head into the dining room

Remembering the direction of the kitchen, I walk as fast as I can to pass by her door only to see the door opening and her walking out, face full of make-up, dresses like if she just visited a bar, you can even smell the hair spray coming from her hair and for god sake! how much perfume did she spray in her body?! can she even get proper oxygen from that?! 

As I have been observing her appearance, she finally notices me standing far beside her only to show an arrogant look, walking towards me and lean-to say something only resulting her stumbled forward as I avoided her. She screams and was about to balance herself but failed to do so, resulting in her falling to the ground

"y-ou what do you think are you doing to me, I just want to ask you something but you pushed me, broth-er," she cried while showing a pained expression, her eyes already have tears in them.

I look at her wondering why is she acting like that all of a sudden when I heard footsteps coming towards us, I look behind me, and there I saw my whole family looking at us with confused eyes. 

our father was the first one to approach us following behind was our mother and my brothers.

"What happened here? and why is Stephanie on the ground?" Father asked before pulling her daughter to stand up only resulting in her to fall to the ground again as she cried while saying her arm hurts

Father looked at her with care and sympathy in his eyes before setting his eyes on me who was enjoying the show that my little sister show me for free

"what did you do?" Father sternly asked while asking the butler to call for our family doctor.

I glance at her only to see her smirking, so I got an idea in my mind before not forgetting to smirk at her. her eyes widen in surprise as she didn't expect me to do the same [heh didn't expect that right? just watch me bxtch, you're not the only one whose great at acting] 

looking at our Father, I started to shake, tears quickly form in my eyes ready to fall down in any minute before telling them what happened earlier. The people are shocked especially my brothers who rub their eyes to see what they are seeing is true.

"F-f-father, i-its m-my f-ault I acci--" I purposely stutter to show them how scared I was before got cut off by my second brother who walks towards me and hugs me in his arms before speaking

"Father, let's not force Runes to say something he just got discharged from the hospital," Tyler said while constantly patting my head. Our father got even more pissed, he knows that also but in his mind, Stephanie is more important than anyone. I look at our mother only for her to avoid my gaze

I secretly smile "wow they really don't care about their son huh?" burying my head into my brother's embrace. Tyler notices it and thought that this little brother of his is scared before patting my head and comfort me. Ruff, my oldest brother also notices my actions and thought the same as Tyler so he told our father to talk later as we haven't eaten anything yet

looking at his eldest child who just spoke, he sighed giving me one last look before calling her wife to the dining area.

mother only looks at me for a second before drifting her eyes away and following her husband. Lifting my head up I don't know if it is just me but I think I saw a little bit of sympathy in my mother's eyes but it instantly disappeared that is why I'm not sure, removing that thought I free myself from my brother's arms before thanking him and telling him that I'm sorry not forgetting to put that scared and sad look

Tyler and Ruff both look at each other a thought suddenly appeared in their minds "too cute" before Tyler ruffles my hair and told me to forget about it, I want to act more pitiful towards them but as I started to speak Ruff only ruffled my hair before telling us to eat breakfast first 

Tyler agreed, I look at both of them and showed my genuine smile before telling them to lead the way, not forgetting to link my arms to theirs. Them at both of my sides while me in the middle smiling to each other if someone sees them they will be greatly shocked as they never thought that their young masters are feeling showing a smile to their younger brother who seems satisfied at the surrounding.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 27, 2020 ⏰

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