Chapter 2

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I open my eyes and look around my surroundings, well at least Val is not lying about the transmigration thing I thought but"Damn Val I thought this would be an easy travel, my head is hurting like I'm hit by a brick" I glared at the white ball floating in the air while silently cursing at his family "Host don't curse my family! I'm sorry its also my first time as a system so I forgot to inform you huhuhu" Val replied while fake crying.

I sigh "Geez ok stop with that fake crying it's making you more ugly" I shamelessly said while looking at my surroundings. I am sure that this is a hospital ward because after waking up, I already smelled the disinfectant coming from my surroundings so I take a guest and it seems that I'm right. While I observe my surroundings a sudden voice interrupts my observing "Host! Your so rude your making Val cry even more huhuhu" Val shouted with sadness. "Ok ok I'm sorry, now give me the information so I can start my mission" I helplessly replied, Val seems happy about my apology so he excitedly explain the information " this body's name is Runes Miller a 17 year old boy who is attending senior high school. His parents are both famous in the music circle, his father is an famous pianist while his mother is a famous singer. Both have received numerous awards so they are quite well know in the music industry. They have 4 children, 3 boys and 1 girl. The eldest is Ruff Miller a successful business man who ran an academy for music, the second eldest is Tyler Miller who is also a famous pianist then there's the third son which is the body that you are occupying right now. Runes Miller his dream is to be a successful idol and to see the proud faces of his family but all of that are ruined because of a one single mistake, Stephanie Miller the last child and probably the most spoiled ever since she was a child she was always stealing Runes things and keep blaming him for nothing. Since she was the most favored, her jealousy and arrogance is like the Mount Everest. She thinks that she knows it all and keep bragging about her life witch in fact she only does need to act pitiful to our parents then *boom* money is in her hands. They are both attending the same academy which is the academy of their eldest brother so they see each other often. One day the academy announces that there are auditions for the idols, so Runes immediately practice his song. Stephanie however doesn't have a clue on what's going on but since her friends wants to join, naturally she will join too but the problem is she doesn't have a chosen song so one day when Runes is practicing his song, Stephanie who was walking down the hallway heard a music and it's absolutely her taste so she wants to see who is practicing it but once she saw who the person was her lips curve upward then she immediately cover it up with an innocent look "Big brother is this the song that you are using" she asked "Yes and I'm already finished with my dance, what about it" Runes questioned "Umm nothing, I was just wondering if you want to lend that song to me? I haven't found any good song yet big brother and once I heard that song I'm captivated so can you lend that to me?" Her eyes were sparkling while speaking those words. Runes froze and doesn't know what to answer, he finally arrange his thoughts and answered "I'm sorry Steph but I'm already finished with my preparation and it is only 3 days before the audition. Maybe I can help you find a suitable song for you?" The bell rings and it's time to go to the classroom "I'm really sorry Steph but I need to go talk to later ok?" Runes smiled while leaving but he doesn't know that someone is following him and pushes him in the stairs.

the last sentences that he heard is "I hate you!! Why are you even my brother!!" Before losing his consciousness and before he knows it he is already in the hospital, there are heavy injuries in his head and his body which led to Runes death but everyone doesn't know that because Aster is in this body right now.

"So that's it host, that's all the information that I got" Val happily said "Is that all of the story?" I questioned "I'm not sure host the higher ups only gave me this information" Val seriously answered. Hmm I pondered if that's all the information I still have questions does Stephanie got caught? What is the reaction of their parents? What happen after his death?. So many questions linger in Aster's mind right now but it all disappeared when the system reminded him about the victims last whishes "So what exactly is his wishes?" I questioned, which Val happily answered "In what I got is that his last wishes is to become the worlds famous idol and also to expose Stephanie attitude" hmm it's not that hard because Runes is already a talented young man and I just need a little push for that to happen

But I'm a little worried about Stephanie because Runes parents favored her the most so they probably won't listen to him when he is telling such stories. "But I still have a chance" I thought there are still Runes two oldest brothers. The eldest brother doesn't have the time to go home because of the academy while the second oldest brother doesn't have the time to spend with his family because of his schedule.

So they don't really spoiled Stephanie because when Stephanie was born the two already had started their business. The two visit sometimes but their visits can only count in fingers. While they have a bit of affection to their younger brother Runes because they are always together playing.

Once Aster got to know this he already started to plan his mission but got distracted when the door of the ward open. Aster squinted his eyes to see who the person is. In fact all of Runes family are in here,even his two older brothers are here. Aster's eyes quickly change into calm while watching Runes family approaching him.

The first one to approach him was his mother, she cried and ask if they are any other injuries in his body in which Aster replied calmly "I'm ok mom don't worry" I smiled at her for a moment before gazing at my father. My father only nod at me and didn't speak anymore only speaking to the culprit Stephanie "ahh it's obvious who's the favorite child right now" Aster thought.

I finally gaze at my "sister" who is hiding behind my father so I plan to tease her "Hey why are you hiding there don't you want to greet your "Big Brother"?" I smiled teasingly while looking at her. Her eyes dimmed a moment but it quickly disappeared and it shows her usual innocent look, "Ah hello big brother how are you?" She innocently asked "I'm Not fine, I just missed the auditioned how can I be fine??" I seriously replied.

Noticing the weird atmosphere around the ward our father surprisingly talk "That's enough, Runes why are you speaking to Steph like that? It's not like it's her fault" our father irritatingly said. Steph immediately quivers after hearing their fathers sentence. Aster thought "hmm I thought it would be boring but I guess not hehehe" I laugh at my own thought not noticing the eyes of my brothers

A/N: hey angels! Are you having fun reading? If not then please tell me so I can make it more interesting. If yes then please vote for my story:). You can also give me ideas which I will surely read, so that I can make this story more interesting:) Enjoy Reading:)

Word count: 1358 words

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