Chapter 4

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Feeling a bit better than earlier when I first got here, I noticed a phone lying at the table beside me. Wondering if that was my phone sat up straight and pick it up browsing its contact before finally seeing a number. I contacted him telling him to bring me a laptop and a bucket of ice cream. before hanging up the phone

well if you are wondering who that person is, it's my personal bodyguard, As I think of these as some kind of a drama that I have watched in my past life I chuckled lowly and thought "what a cliche". I only got back from my thoughts when a certain someone keeps questioning me about its ice cream.

[Will you shut up for a minute?! I only got up from my sleep then here you are rambling about ice cream!!] glaring at the shining white ball in front of me.

[hey host, you're supposed to greet me with a good morning, not that] before coming close to me for a snuggle. [host you're a meany] pouting but still chose to lean closer to my body feeling my warmth.

I sigh and just let it be for a while. if it isn't for this certain object snuggling with me I would have already thrown it out the window. "your lucky your cute" I mumbled, it's only 5 am and I can't do anything with this injured body of mine so I decided to just take a quick nap not forgetting to remind Val about his ice cream that is on the way.

The white ball got immediately excited and was suppose to ramble about it again but notices his host's closed eyes and peaceful face, it stops itself from being too loud before snuggling closer to his host

[well it's not that too bad to rest for a bit right?] smiling before drifting itself into dreamland.

Meanwhile at Stephanie's...

"uuughhh!! I hate him!! I hate him!!! I hate him!!" throwing things at the ground before looking at the mirror.

she sees herself, shock by what she has seen, her supposedly majestic hair was disheveled, her face that has make-up now looking like a clown, and those eyes that are sparkling whenever she gets something now full of malice and hatred.

she grabs something close to her which coincidently is a vase, This vase is from her 3rd brother when she turns 12, she wasn't supposed to accept his gift but her parents are watching her with anticipation before resultantly taking the vase. wondering if why that vase was in her desk still intact before this situation happened was because no one can deny its beauty.

she did not hesitate to grab it before throwing it in the mirror. A loud bang echoed in her room, if her room was not soundproof maybe the maids are already on their way to her room.

she looks at the broken mirror in front, her figure was almost terrifying adding up the crack mirror and the broken shards laying in the ground.

"I will kill you I will kill you I will kill you, brother" laughing crazily, her eyes, those eyes that are filled with so much hatred that maybe even a serial killer doesn't have.

you will even guess that she is a crazy person escaping from the mental hospital, but a certain someone doesn't care about her appearance right now. All she knows that she needs to come up with a plan on how to kill her "brother" but before that, she needs to go to the school to erase the evidence about the incident. she knows that if she doesn't act now her brother will immediately tell their parents.

So compromising herself, she washed her face and change her clothes before fixing her hair. she immediately changes her expression the malice and hatred disappeared as it never appeared in her face, giving one last look at herself in the now crack mirror she leaves her room telling her maid to clean up the mess.


Not too long, I flutter my eyes open seeing something in front of me, it seems to be saying something but I don't understand I'm still dazed from my sleep so I didn't notice the things lying on my desk. I immediately got back from reality and understood what this prick is saying to me

[host host host!!!! wakee up your things are here!!!] jumping up and down while yelling in front of my face. I sigh, isn't it weird for a white ball jumping up and down from my stomach excited just because of ice cream?!

[geez your just excited because of your ice cream] thinking why his system is acting this way before picking up the laptop and let that childish system get his ice cream. I open the laptop and insert the USB that has been hiding inside my pocket and open the file that has the evidence that I will need to destroy that sister of mine.

I watched how this body getting out of the room and striding forward not even noticing her sister following him. I pause the video and thought how dumb this person be to not even notice how loud her footsteps are, but I can't blame him either for maybe that time his mind was full of anger that he doesn't notice his surroundings.

I shook my head to get rid of these thoughts and resume the video, finally, I saw how "my" sister pushed me down in the staircase without even hesitating and not thinking the fact that her older brother might die. She later realized what she had done and panic appeared on her face but soon change into a smile before walking leisurely in the hallway.

"she's crazy" replaying the video for the second time, not only crazy but also a bitch yeah let me call her crazy bitch from now on.

I glance at the white ball happily looking at its ice cream, founding this funny I tried to call it but it seems that its full attention is on the ice cream but why it is not moving? I look at the untouched ice cream and thought that it might melt already so I call Val again but to no avail no answer again.

I was getting impatient with this prick so told I him something that he immediately put his full attention on me.

[if you keep staring at that ice cream, I'm gonna eat that] glaring at him while smirking ignoring his whines, hah you deserve it don't underestimate this host of yours.

[host host host!!!! whatt did you say?! How could you?! that's my ice cream!! MY ICE CREAM!!] glaring at me while taking deep breathes, who would not get tired when your yelling for many hours now. hah serves it right

[hahahaha geez ok ok stop it already, your making my head hurt with your yelling] laughing while looking at his cute face.

[you can have it, its all yours you know] adding, before removing the USB in the laptop and putting it back in my pocket.

[that's not a good thing to joke about host] floating towards me and squeezing into my arms to cuddle.

I sighed, this prick keeps on cuddling with me.......... Well I guess its not too bad

A/N: Hey angels!! How are you guys doing?? It's been a while since I updated and will take another week for me to update huhuhuhu I'm really sorry about that but I will try and finish this book, as you can see I handle two books which is too much with this newbie author hahahaha it's my fault by the way hehehehe but I'm not the type of person who just dropped their work. I will only drop it if its way too much fro me but that's not the case in here right? heheheeh that's all I hope you check out my second account and story Luv u!! ^0^

ps: if you are confused about how aster knows its system expressions.......well just imagine Val having a face hahahaha It's quite weird for a system to have a face but does not have a body hahahaha but I will try to fix that in the next chapter soooo see youuu \^0^/

word count: 1394

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