Chapter 6

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Author butting in Hey angels! it's been a week since I haven't uploaded (;'༎ຶД༎ຶ') and again I would like to apologize to you ಥ_ಥ but I would like to thank all of you who voted for my stories and also for those who are reading it. I'm very grateful to you and I will always.

As you can see I haven't uploaded a chapter in my other book, I will try to publish one tomorrow but since it's the start of our 2nd Grading, a new set of modules has also been given to us. so my time will be limited again so please be patient with me ༼ つ ಥ_ಥ ༽つ 

This chapter is not edited so please expect to see wrong spellings and grammars \ (•◡•) / Don't forget to vote and comment angels :3 Luv u guys (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ

WARNING: Some words are not suitable for children to read


Finally arriving at the kitchen with the help of one of the maids, I quickly look for something edible to eat, and since that idiot upstairs decided to turn into a human I have no choice but to also bring him food.

so I decided to just eat upstairs to accompany that little prick, I want to make sure that he doesn't do anything stupid again. Sighing I pick up some fruits at the refrigerator before washing them, I also grab some milk not only for that child but also for me.

Well, it might sound a little bit crazy but I can't live a day without drinking any single milk........

*cough* *cough*

It's not what you think it is... it's just I really love milk...

anyhow, as I was thinking about the different flavors of milk I got interrupted by a shout in my head which made me almost curse out loud and suddenly have the urged to kill someone but choose to calm myself down and tried my best to not show my irritation.

[what now little prick] continuing washing the remaining fruits and put them in a tray with the milk. 

[host I have a name and don't call me little!!!] doing the same thing again, screaming at my head which made me want to strangle him but has a better idea, why not just tease him? tease him until his face has become a tomato.

[yes you have a name but it doesn't suit you, calling you a prick sound more fun, and besides who says that you're not small? (¬‿¬)] walking up the stairs while laughing thinking of what happened earlier in my room.

[Ohmygod host!! Stop bring that subject up!! and can you please be faster?! some part of mine is making a sound and I don't know what to do?! ಥ_ಥ] the sound of its voice is almost crying and I can already guess what expression that kid is making.

[okay okay geez you're so demanding and be ready for later I'm going to tell you something important] smirking as I passed the room of that crazy bxcth, giving one more last look I continued to stride forward towards my room carrying the tray full of food.

Arriving at my room, I first saw a boy sitting diligently on the side of the bed looking like a polite young master, but looks can be deceiving, when he saw me he almost jumped towards me but noticing the tray that I am holding he hesitates before deciding not to do it. "you lucky host you're carrying something or else I already pounced into you" Val thought while picking up an apple to eat it. Host explained to me that the reason why some part of me is making a sound is that I'm hungry and need to eat something and instruct me to try the food that he brought, that is why here I am sitting on the same spot as earlier while listening to him telling me about what he discovers inside Stephanie's room.

Flashback when Runes found his sister's room~~~~

"Well this is going to be fun"

I said while looking at the pictures on her wall. I mean it's not a bad thing to put your idol's poster on your wall, every teenage girl do it even in my original world, they do it to show their love to their idols and some even collect them but what I'm seeing right now is nothing compared to the posters that every teenage girl must-have.

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