Reader's Aid

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"Currently the story is about a player going to a Pokémon adventure. But later a villainous team called "Team Eclipse" kidnapped the players parents for unknown reasons. The professor later tells the player to meet with his friend Linda at Cheshma town. But Linda later steals the players necklace given by the players parents and runs into the forest. The player then meets up with the his/her friend Jake to help find her. After the player finds Linda and defeats her and gives the player the necklace back. The player then goes to beat the first gym (Electric Type), located in Silvent City. After beating the first gym, Jake gives the player a tool called the RTD (Recreational Teleportation Device) which can be used to go to the Battle Colosseum and the Trade Resort." -Roblox Wiki Description

I couldn't find a good story synopsis anywhere online. And I'm lazy, so I'm just gonna throw this together.

Team Eclipse tries to get the Bronze Brick that your character (the necklace given to the main character by their parents) for unknown reasons. 

As the game continues, the main character makes a new friend named Tess, who is a dragon-type expert. 

Later in the game, Jake is revealed to be a traitor working for Team Eclipse. 

Late in the game, Team Eclipse grabs your Bronze Brick. As it turns out, it is the last piece of a portal that will summon the mythical Pokemon Hoopa, who will create a portal to a supposedly new and better world.

In the climax, your parents are released. Furthermore, Jake shoves the leader of Team Eclipse (Professor Cypress) into the portal, and commands his men to do the same, or else he'll throw them in too. Turns out, Jake was never actually a bad guy, he just wanted to defeat Team Eclipse from within.

They meet a man named Looker, who works for the International Police, and it's revealed that Jake was working for the International Police all along.

Sadly, the portal becomes unstable and begins to suck things in. Tess, who was with the characters at the time, was about to be hit by a crate that was being pulled in when Jake shoved her out of the way and was thrown into the portal instead. The portal soon breaks apart, and Jake is gone.

Also, my character mentions "checking his blog" for the pokemon that he uses, but I don't have that blog here. So I'll just tell you.

He uses: Torterra, Charizard, Swampert, Lopunny, Garchomp, and Haxorus

That should be an adequate description of the story of Brick Bronze (at least, enough to give you an idea). As the story progresses, I will leave comments on areas to provide further explanation. If you readers ever have questions, please feel free to comment and ask, and I will answer them best I can! 
Now without further ado, let's start the story!

Oh, one last thing! This story will NOT be edited! It will be in its raw, original format, so that YOU can enjoy all the grammatical errors within the story!

Now then, a world of dreams and adventures with Pokemon awaits! 

Let's go!

Link to the wikia:

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