Chapter 2

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"How much farther is it?" i asked. I was trudging through knee-deep snow, following the man who rescued me.

"Not far now," he replied. "The facility is just over this hill."

"FACILITY?" i replied, a little surprised. "How would that go unnoticed?"

"Cloaking devices. They ensure that no one ever disturbs us," he said, smiling.

Soon, we reached a large, flat field of snow. The man reached out and pressed something that i was unable to see. "PASSCODE REQUIRED" came a robotic voice. The man murmured something that i couldn't make out, and suddenly, where there once was nothing, suddenly, i could see an enormous factory, about six stories tall. We entered the building and began to walk down one of the corridors. "I sense," the man started, " that you are one who appreciates dragons."

"Yes," i replied. Had he seen my haxorus or garchomp? Whatever he saw, he had found out that i used two dragons.

"Look closely," he said, motioning towards one of the windows. Inside i saw a man and a noibat together. The man held out a remote, like the one i had seen earlier, and pressed one of the buttons. A red electric energy surrounded the noibat. It struggled for a moment, then stopped. Its eyes had gone red, and it seemed to be in pain.

"STOP!" i yelled. "You're hurting it!"

"I'm well aware," the man replied. "But dragons are dangerous, and must be controlled. Take, for example, your haxorus and garchomp. Once they realize that they are superior, and that you are no more than food to them, the can -and will- kill you. It is only a matter of time. I want to ask that you join me, Professor Drake, in my studies of dragons. All you have to do is subdue your dragons with this machine." He held out one of those remotes.

I reached out to grab it. Once i did, i gathered all of my strength and hurled it into the ground, where it shattered against the steel tile. "You will regret that," he said snarling. "You had the chance to join me. Now you will suffer."

He threw a pokeball, and out came probopass. Reflexively, i hurled one of my pokeballs and out came haxorus which immediately use brick break to knock out the probopass instantly. Suddenly, the man pulled out a remote, aimed at haxorus, and pressed the button. How was i so stupid!? I knew that he could do that, but i sent haxorus anyways! The red energy around haxorus faded away. It slowly turned to face me, eyes gleaming red. "Excellent," said the man who was now smiling triumphantly. "Destroy him."

To be continued...

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