Season 2 Chapter 3

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Max, Emily, and James were at the pokemon center in Port Decca. James was searching through his PC for a few pokemon we would need to summon the legendary diamond pokemon.

"Do you have any Unown?" Max asked. "I heard that the pokemon lives in a chamber that can only be opened by four certain Unown."

"Um, yes," James replied. "I caught several when i was looking for the reaper cloth in the desert catacombs. Um, let's see. I have Unown for the letters "A", "P", "N", "E", "O", "X", "F", and "Z"."

"Hey!" Emily exclaimed. "Some of those Unown spell "OPEN"! Maybe that's it?"

"Probably," Max said, "I think it's worth a shot. What pokemon do you want in your party besides the four Unown?"

"I think I want my Tangrowth and my Infernape. Infernape never leaves my side."

"Good," Max said. "Let's head to route 13 then."

The three proceeded to route 13 as quickly as they could. When they arrived, they searched the cave inside and out for any secret door, but found none. When they climbed a certain ledge within the cave, there was no door, but a giant boulder instead.

"Strange," Max said. "I could have sworn that there was a door here!"

James sighed. "You know Max, there's a possibility that that boulder isn't truly a boulder at all," he said, as he sent out infernape. "Use close combat."

Infernape lunged at the boulder and pummeled it with a shower of punches. The boulder, however, did not shatter as Max had expected. Instead, it began to rumble, then came alive as an angry golem attacked infernape with a vicious stone edge attack. The sudden attack caught infernape off guard, so stone edge landed a direct hit. Infernape managed to get to its feet, but before it could do anything else, golem used earthquake, causing infernape to fall to the ground once more.

"We need to stop that golem before its earthquake causes the entire cave to collapse!" Max exclaimed.

All of a sudden, large blades of grass sprung up from the ground and yanked golem to the ground. Golem's weight caused a very large impact. So large, in fact, that golem was instantly knocked out by it.

"Grass knot?" Emily asked, intrigued.

"That's right," James replied, smiling. "It's actually quite handy, as it catches most people off-guard. It also means that my infernape has a fighting chance against rock, water, and ground types."

"Clever..." Emily muttered to herself.

"If you two lovebirds are finished chatting, I found the entrance to the secret room," Max said, smiling and watching as both Emily and James turned a peculiar shade of red. "The only problem is," Max said, continuing, "is that it looks like someone got here first. The stone door with the unown on it is gone."

"Gone?" James and Emily replied. They rushed over to where Max was standing. They were about to enter the room when Max held them back.

"Someone else is in there," he said softly, "and they don't look like they mean well." He was right. In the room were about five people, all wearing metallic body armor and masks that looked like gas masks. Each person had a different steel type pokemon in front of them. The pokemon Max saw were aegislash, lucario, bisharp, skarmory, and scizor. In the middle of the group was a beautiful, princess-like pokemon, with pink jewels all over its body. Max instantly knew what it was. "Diancie!" he exclaimed, forgetting that they were trying to lay low.

"Who's there!?" one of the men demanded.

"Me," Max said. "I don't know what you want with diancie, but it doesn't look good. Who are you anyways, Team Eclipse?"

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