Chapter 7

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There they were. Two legendary pokemon clashing with all their might. This could be the end of the region, and all because the green and black pokemon wasn't there to stop them. I recognized their names from legends. The blue one was Xerneas, and the red one was Yveltal. I had heard of the green pokemon, but only knew it by the name "Z". it was supposed to stop the chaos. "Queen!" i hollered. "You need to release Z!"

"Couldn't i just send it out, so it could stop the disaster but still be mine?" she asked.

"No," i replied firmly. "It needs to be here when other disasters happen."

"Fine," she murmured, looking very disappointed. She sent out zygarde, and pressed a button on the pokeball, releasing Z. the dog looked at the two battling pokemon. It started to glow. Then it started to grow. It grew until it was about fifteen feet tall. The glowing faded, and revealed the new appearance of Z. It was now a giant titan. It turned to Xerneas and Yveltal. It used outrage on Yveltal and land's wrath on Xerneas. It continued attacking until both pokemon went into full retreat. It began to glow again, and shrank until nothing was left, only scattering cells.

"You know," i began. "Seeing such a powerful pokemon reminded me of something."

"What?" Queen asked.

"Kyurem," i replied darkly. "I have something to do. Wanna come with?" i asked.

"No thanks," she replied. "I've got stuff to do."

"Suit yourself," i said, already walking away. I sent out charizard and climbed onto its back. In a flash of light, charizard had mega evolved and taken off. Riding a mega pokemon is so much fun. I had the same kind of joy when i had mega absol. I soon arrived at my destination, the old Aredia. I walked through the ruins, mega charizard at my side. I wandered through the ruins, until i found what i was looking for.

"You sure like secluded places," i said.

I enjoy the peace and quiet. I smiled. It was Mewtwo. What can i do for you, human? Remember, it was you who stopped me from killing all humans, so i owe you.

"I need you to come with me. There's a dangerous facility that needs to be shut down."

To be continued.......

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