Season 2 Chapter 5

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Max was deep in the headquarters of Team Cyber. He was bound by a field of energy that restricted his movements. On either side of him, his friends were bound in identical fields of energy. Max let out a groan as he let his mind wander. How had things gone so horribly wrong? Then he remembered. He and his friends had no trouble breaking in. They did so with ease, and plowed right through the grunts. It was when the elite forces were called in that things went wrong. They had been severely overpowered and put in prison. They only reason they were still alive was because Team Cyber demanded to know who led them to the base. Max however refused to betray Queen. She had helped him get this far, and he refused to let her help be in vain.

Max was snapped out of his mental wandering as a large fist slammed into his stomach, sending untold volts of electricity into his body. He looked up to see an Electivire looking down at him. This was the fifth blow that it had delivered, and Max's entire body was numb. Next to the Electivire was a Team Cyber admin, bent on forcing the information right out of him.

"I know you're in a lot of pain Max," the admin snarled, jeering. "Give me the info, and I'll be merciful!"

Max said nothing. He simply shook his head, flashing a pained smile.

"YOU INSOLENT BRAT!" the admin yelled, completely fed up. "Now's your last chance! If you don't talk, Electivire here sends every last volt it can muster into your body. I can guarantee you that you won't survive."

Mas simply flashed another pained smile.

The grunt growled. "I'll give you three seconds to start talking. Three... Two...-" His words were cut short as the room went dark. "What the-!?" the man exclaimed. "Who did that!?"

In the darkness, Max could hear a crashing noise, evidence that a battle was taking place. Soon, the lights flashed on again. Both the admin and his pokemon were passed out on the floor, and a different pokemon stood over them. It was a Tsareena, one that he had seen somewhere before. He realized that it belonged to Queen.

"You're Queen's Tsareena!" Max exclaimed. "Does this mean...?"

"Yes," came an answer, as a girl entered the room. Queen. "Looks like you saw my note. Thanks for coming, Max."

"Not a problem," Max replied.

"NOT A PROBLEM!!?" Emily shieked. "Have you forgotten the position we're in right now!!?? Your so-called 'friend' here lured us ALL into her little trap!"

Queen sighed. "Look, i had this all planned out okay? This was part of the plan."

"Letting me get Thunderpunched in the gut a few times?" Max said. "Great plan you got here!"

Queen rolled her eyes. "Do you want me to free you or not?"

"I would appreciate that," Max said groaning from the lingering pain. Queen nodded and walked over to a nearby control panel and pressed a series of buttons. Suddenly, the field of energy disappeared from around the three captives. Max, who was still weak, collapsed, struggling to regain his energy.

"I thought electricity charged things," Queen commented. Max glared at her, with a look that could kill. "Sorry," she said quickly. "Let me help you there." She bent down and helped Max to his feet.

"You said you had a plan," James stated. "What's next?"

"Well," Queen began, "we need to destroy the source of all our problems: the giant cannon that would be used to destroy Riora. In order to do that, we need to reach the core of the base. Once there, we have to free the legendary pokemon being held captive there. Freeing them will remove the cannon's power source, and SHOULD shut it down."

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