Season 2 Teaser

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Note: This was actually a part that was written and published, hence why I am including it here.

t was very late at night. Max had converted Drake's old lab into a hideout, where he could conduct his own experiments. He had even managed to fix the cloaking devices, so no one could find the lab on their own. There, he was safe from Team Eclipse. He was in the main laboratory, experimenting on the fragments of deoxys's core that he had collected. If he could only figure out what they were made of, he could recreate deoxys as a force for good. He just needed to figure it out. Despite his efforts, however, he had been working since the morning, and still could not find an answer. Enraged, he swept his hand across the desk, scattering the contents and breaking beakers. He flopped backwards into his chair and buried his head in his hands. He knew how late it was. He needed sleep. However, his mind still did not want to give up. Maybe he could wait until the morning, though. Just as he made up his mind to go to bed, he looked at the desk to see what damage he had caused. As he looked, he noticed that certain fluids had mixed together, forming a thick blue substance. He had never thought to mix these, as it didn't seem like a good idea. He knew that the chemical compound was extremely unstable, and that using it would be very risky. Too late now. He decided to look further into it in the morning, but as he took one last glance, he noticed that the substance was crawling towards the crystals. As it united with them, it formed a deep blue sphere, that began to glow and pulsate. Somehow, he had succeeded.

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