Season 2 Chapter 8

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 Max and looker sat right outside the international police HQ. The strange women, named Rose, had been sentence to jail for life, for a multitude of crimes. Now Max was waiting for the news Looker had mentioned.

Looker took a deep breath. "Do you remember when Professor Cypress built that portal? Well, we've got some disturbing news. Don't ask me how, but somehow... we picked up a radio transmission from them. Apparently things went horribly wrong. They're in some other world, one that's distorted entirely. A giant pokemon keeps turning up randomly and attacking them, and they need help."

Max shook his head. "They brought this upon themselves," he said solemnly.

Looker looked right into Max's eyes. "Would it interest you to know that your friend Jake is with them?"

Max gulped. "Jake? H-he's... alive?"

"Alive and fine... almost," Looker said. "They're all struggling to survive, and are living off of old food rations."

Max nodded. "So, what do we do?"

"I was going to take a team of men and retrieve them, and i was wondering if you wanted to come. You're talented, and it's your friend that's in there. The Max i know wouldn't leave a friend to die. He'd want to get in on it."

"You see right through me," Max said, managing a smile. He stood up. "When do we leave?"

Looker smiled. "As soon as possible," he replied.

A few hours later, Looker had assembled a small squad that included Max. They were in the Demon's tomb, standing before the newly reassembled brick portal.

"Is everyone ready?" looker asked the group.

A unanimous "Yes sir!" sounded in reply. Looker smiled.

"Then what are we waiting for? Let's go," he commanded, jumping through the portal. As Max walked through to the other side, his eyes widened in amazement. He didn't know what he had been expecting, but it wasn't this. There was no solid ground, but chunks of earth floated all around. The land was dark. Maneuvering it was tricky, as the place defied gravity in so many ways. Eventually, the men figured out how to effectively maneuver the land by jumping from one bit of land to another. The place was huge, and Max had no idea how they were going to find Jake. Until a person wearing a Team Eclipse uniform came crashing down from above him. The man was beaten, bruised, and clashed in many places. He looked like he had been attacked by a pokemon of some sort.

"I-it's c-c-coming," the man stammered, fear evident in his eyes. "Get out of here!"

"What's coming?" Max demanded.

"We don't know! All we know is that it's some sort of pokemon, and it doesn't like us!"

Max gulped. That didn't sound optimal. He began to wonder what exactly attacked them. He looked back at the man, whose face had gone white. "B-b-b-behind you..."

Max slowly turned around, and held back a gasp. Charging right at him was a pokemon he recognized. Giratina. It was different from the Giratina that Drake had summoned. That one had two wings and six legs, while this one had Six wings and no legs at all.

Could it possibly be the same pokemon? Max thought. Form change perhaps?

But Max didn't have much time to think. Giratina smashed right into him with its head and took him for a ride. Max grunted, reached for his pokeballs, and brought out his garchomp. Garchomp ducked under Giratina and slashed at its exposed underside, causing Giratina to shriek loudly in rage. The enormous Pokemon continued to blast at Garchomp with dragon pulse attacks, while Garchomp dove up and down, skillfully avoiding the attacks. Occasionally, as it was given the opportunity, Garchomp would claw at Giratina's side or belly, but Giratina never seemed to receive any actual damage...

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