Chapter Nine

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Luna POV

The car ride to the café was painfully silent. Matteo's mind isn't completely present, I can tell by the way his eyebrows squeezes together. I think to break the silence and ask what happened to him in his therapy session but I refrain from doing so. I don't want to make him anymore upset then he already is.
When I pull up to the café and get out of the car, I see that the windows are shattered from the outside in. Matteo pushes me behind him and guides us both in. What the hell happened here? It was perfectly fine yesterday and now it looks like they were bombed. As Matteo walk to the counter I walk to the back to see if anyone is there, even when he tells me not to. When I push the beaded curtains aside, Lee is laying there on the floor with blood and bruises all over him. When he sees me standing there, fear runs through his eyes. I squat down to him and emotionlessly observe his actions.
"Please don't hurt me." He cries.
"Wasn't planning to. What happened?"
"My father came for me. He broke in after May left and it was just me and my guardian, Marnie."
"Why was he after you?" He shakes his head no as he backs away from me. "Where's May?"
"I wont tell you where my sister is. Your going to kill her!" I grab him by this collar with both hands and pull him to me.
"Look kid, this isn't the time to be stubborn. Tell me where your sister is or I will kill her."
"She's at the strip club working her shift." I let go of his collar and help Lee off the ground. I pull out my phone and call Vinny to rally up the men and guard the café.
"Matteo!" I walk to the door and wait for him to come to me. When I see him approaching from the staircase, I tell him to come on so that we can get to the strip club.
I finally have May in grasp and I absolutely refuse to let her get away. She took something that I valued and I intend to return the favor.

When Matteo and I get there, automatically other women start to try and get our attention. I push through them and make my way to the back as Matteo follows behind me. The music becomes quiet once we get to the back and loud screaming from a far is heard. I run to where the sound is coming from then see a medium sized man with gray hair and a muscled body tone standing over two girls fighting each other. I see that he has a hard on and that's when my killer instincts kick in.
"Luna!" Matteo calls but I am already hauling ass to the girl punching the shit of May. I grab the girls head on my hands and throw her to the ground, pulling my gun and pointing it at her head before she can get up.
I hear a high pitched screech and when I turn, the man has May in his grip. I point the gun at the guy and notice May is in the cross fire. I put my finger on the trigger but stopped by Lee's shouting. he begs me not to pull the trigger but I pull it anyway. Bullet grazes May's ear and goes straight through the mans chest. He falls to the ground and everyone in the room starts to run but Matteo stops them from leaving. I look to May and see that she has blood all over her face. She looks at me in shock and I think she's about to start crying but instead, she erupts into laughter. I cock my head to the side in confusion when she does so. She's very small and has the face of an innocent girl so her psychotic break was unsettling.
"What the fuck is wrong with you?!"  She yells at me. She tries to punch me in the face but I catch her fist in my hand. "He was MINE to kill. He was my father."
"Oh, was he?" I laugh to myself and kick his body. "Well I guess were even." I let go of her and she pulls out a small pocket knife. "Aww. What are you gonna do with that, pinkie? You gonna stab me?" I tease and taunt her as she looks at me with murderous intent. The gaze she gives me is almost too familiar, like I've seen it before. She dashes towards me and takes a swing. I catch the blade in between my thumb and index finger, before grabbing her cheeks and looking into her eyes.
"Do we know each other?" I ask. Her murderous gaze turns into a confused one.
"I think id remember you if I we did." I continue to look at her face intensely but I'm distracted when Lee comes out of hiding.
"Esmae!" He shouts. I let her go and back away as the siblings hug each other. Matteo comes up behind me to check on me. I reassure him that I am fine and just watch as they rekindle.
"What did you do to him?!" Esmae asks me.
"No, Luna didn't do it. Dad did when you left for work. Luna was the one to help me and Marnie."
"Matteo and are leaving. Grab your things and get in the car. We're going to the café." I walk towards the exit then stopped by Esmae.
"I don't trust you." She argues.
"Well if you stay here, there's a good chance you'll die anyways, so what will it be?" Matteo challenges them. He's fed up with her attitude just as much as I am. I don't have to help them but I decided to be kind enough to help. The both of them follow behind us like little ducklings and climb into the back seat.

"I'm sorry about the café, Ms. Marnie. I'll pay to have it fixed. When I was younger, my mom used to get lemon cakes from here. It would be a shame if it shut down." I grab fives stacks of cash and put it in her hands.
She looks to my general direction then opens her arms. I reluctantly hug her and she whispers something to me.
"Keep my babies safe, okay? They've been through so much, they deserve a break." I look to her and smile.
"You have my word. I'll get them to somewhere safe since it's no longer okay. But what about you?"
"Oh no. Like you said, it would be a shame for this place to shut down. Ill be fine now that your people are gonna be watching over me."
Marnie has to be one of the most nicest but stern people I've ever met. I envy Lee and Esmae for having such a loving parental figure.
Marnie explains what the arrangement is going to be. Lee and Esmae will be staying in one of my apartments in my complex while Marnie rebuilds.
I don't know what it is but I want Esmae and Lee to be in close proximity. Something about the black haired girl seem way more familiar to me then I originally thought. I cant shake the feeling of that we maybe more closer then all of us may have assumed.

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