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I could not believe it. If Michael had nothing to do with all this, what was it about? It was a question that I couldn't get out of my head in the whole math class, so much so that I didn't even realize that Michael hadn't entered; Yes, I may not like it very much, but I do realize who is in my classroom. The thing is, I got so lost in my thoughts that apparently I fell asleep. I know this, because the teacher woke me up with a loud bang on my desk, and why all the boys and girls started making fun of the slime that hung from my lips. What luck is mine.

Anyway, the class is over, and when I left, there he was; again. I wanted to ask him why he hadn't entered the class, or if he was fine, but instead I preferred to go quickly down the hall and run away to my house for a good time. Maybe my parents had already returned from the hospital, and everything would return to normal. However, I became curious, and I turned to see if he was still there, looking at me with that look that only he knew how to do since we "met". No, it wasn't. But please; There was nothing that interested me about him, or so I thought, so I preferred to go once and for all.

The way home this time seemed rather short; there were no dark clouds, strange noises coming out of the forest. Not even a ghost woman dressed in white who wanted to take possession of my body and soul. Apparently everything was normal. But all this would change as soon as he entered my house.

The cabin was in a "privileged" point of the town; So much so that, if at that precise moment I had wanted to scream or pass out, nobody would have been fast enough to bring help. My dad's great homey choice. And, what I saw inside amazed me; there was a body hanging from the ceiling, with butcher hooks holding it by the shoulders, while its blood slowly traveled all the way that went from its neck to the immense puddle that had formed over the hours; and it was impossible that it took less time there, because the smell itself was unbearable. But that was not the most horrible thing. It was the body of a child.

Blond, blue eyes, about ten or eleven years old, with no apparent sin or crime to commit. And yet, there it was; letting out the last drops of life that remained in his small body.

Wait. There was a note thrown a few inches from the pool of blood; so is. The person who had placed the child there had taken the time to leave a love letter; the guy was quite a gentleman, or lady, because he still didn't know who was responsible for all this hell.

"Look at me with contempt, you will see an idiot. Look at me with admiration, you will see your Lord. Look at me carefully, and you will see yourself "

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