9 Back to Rosewood!

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"You could have just told me you wanted to see me shirtless, Princess." Jamie said with a cocky smirk. Lottie froze and took a sharp breath. 

Lottie P.O.V

W-what did he just-.... Did I hear that correctly? For all I know that was very un-Jamie-like. He awkwardly coughed and I took it as a signal to rush out of the room. My face was burning up again. Why am I like this...? Why did I have to like him, of all people? I ran as fast as my legs could take me. I opened the door and saw Ellie smiling gleefully at my face. "Why that face, hm?" I cut her off by playfully sticking out my tongue. I dropped my bag and rushed over to her. "I'm telling you this because you're my best friend, okay?" I told her. "Pshaw. I know I'm your best friend. But you can tell me because you were his first kiss. I am a witness to that beautiful scene. But I wonder why he opens up to you, you know like he loosens up around you. Anyway, tell me!" Ellie said. 

I was his...first...k-kiss? What? Then how was he so...good at it? I took a deep breath and told everything about what happened. I told her about Nikolay (Sir Olav) and what happened at the basement and about Jamie's sudden flirtatious attitude. Ellie was mad when she heard about Jamie's punishment but when I mentioned about what Jamie said, she zoned out. "Ellie. Ellie. Ellie." I shook Ellie softly. "Shouldn't we be packing? For school? C'mon!" I packed everything in my little bag. My outfits and my homework. I had to help Ellie fold because Ellie just stuffs everything into her luggage. As I folded the last of Ellie's clothes, she heard Ellie mumbled something like ".....texted.....I shouldn't...Jamie's gonna kill me...." I shrugged it off, thinking it was nothing serious. But..HA! Was I wrong.

3rd person P.O.V

 The plane has landed and they have reached Rosewood's gates. Lottie took a deep breath and walked through the gates. They met their friends and found...Raphael and Lola snogging each other. "That is highly inappropriate Raph...Please stop." Jamie frowned. Raphael stopped and looked at Jamie. "Hey...I'm not the only one. I heard you kissed Lottie. And who knows what else." Raphael scoffed. Jamie felt his blood boil. Nobody knows about this except...both Lottie and Jamie's head swung towards Ellie, who smiled sheepishly. Lottie's eyes prickled with tears. Jamie saw and embraced Lottie which she gladly accepted. The soft heartbeat and the faint smell of Jamie's cologne calmed Lottie.  She took a deep breath and she slowly relaxed. She felt safe in his arms. Once they parted ways, Jamie made his way to 117 (I made it up lol) while Lottie and Ellie went to 221. As soon as Lottie stepped into the room, "Ellie, w-why did you tell them? Y-you promised you wouldn't.."Lottie said, tears slowly running down her cheeks. "I'm sorry, Lottie...But I swear I only told Anastacia. And I promise to not break my promises anymore." Ellie said guiltily. "You know how Ani lets Saskia look through her phone. She must have told the others and-and" Lottie couldn't finish her sentence as her legs gave in, making her tumble to the cold floor. Uncontrollable tears spilled down her cheeks as she cried. Ellie hesitantly sat down beside Lottie, picked her up and wrapped her arms around Lottie's shoulder. Lottie cried until she was out of breath, her eyes puffy and a light shade of red. Her eyes were too tired to take it anymore and they closed. Lottie went into a dreamless sleep. 

When she woke up, her clock said it was 4.30 am. Lottie stood up and reached for her running outfit. She ran until she reached a fountain right before the Rose Wood. She took a seat at the edge at stared down at the shimmering water. Beside her reflection suddenly stood another. She slipped in surprise and almost tumbled into the water fountain when a hand caught her. A familiar scent filled her nose and she stood up, balancing herself. She looked up to a pair of gleaming hazel eyes. Unconsciously, the sides of her lips widened into a smile. "Jamie." she breathed out, relieved to see him. Snuggling closer towards him, she told him "Let's go somewhere more private...I wanna tell you something." He nodded and led her into the Rose Wood. "So...It turns out...Ellie told Anastacia...Saskia read the message and she told the rest." Lottie said, voice quavering. Jamie ran his hand through her blonde locks. "Hey...Don't be upset anymore okay? As long as I'm here. I'll make sure no one will hurt you." Jamie whispered into Lottie's ear and lifted her chin up. He slowly placed his lips as they kissed slowly and softly. As they parted, Jamie gave Lottie a small smile as Lottie rested her head on Jamie's shoulder.

They sat down on the damp ground and exchanged stories. Jamie had never opened up to anyone before so this is new to him. Around 5.45, they made their way back into the school and got ready for classes. When they were walking towards History class, a voice called out Lottie's name. A voice familiar to Lottie.


Sorry guys, I had to make this kinda short.... Cuz I have some stuff to do and finish. Stay safe from Corona guyss!!! Make sure to wash your hands frequently, always wear a mask (covering your nose) and also bring a small bottle of hand sanitizer in your bag. Also only go out if necessary.

- Jamie

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