VII: Dance of the Lilies

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VII: Dance of the Lilies

Standing around in the giant ballroom of the royal blood quickly intimidates me. Their manor is more of a castle, set near the edge of a cliff. I could hear the wind howling so loudly while we were waiting to be ushered inside, almost as if a wolf were singing along and mimicking the cry.

Eli is quite the socialite, striking up a conversation with many women, their ages varying. It very well might be the night he finds interest in another, choosing his beloved. I know mother and father would like that very much, especially since Eli knows our society's rules...laws...

...don't weaken the bloodline.

"Master Eli," one of the women flirt, and I notice she's very much one step on the aristocratic scale. We all have our proper titles on display her, sewn to the tip of our tongues as we show leniency within our home of such formalities. If we had more coven members, we would.

It's subconscious, the way I adjust the fabric clinging around my upper body. The dress that mother selected, it's tighter than it looked on the screen when ordering it, though it does flow out at my hips and away from my legs. I get to breathe a little, not much but I focus more on glancing around and admiring the craftsmanship of the ballroom.

Mother and father are chatting with others, while I solemnly keep to myself next to a wall. My hair is up and away from my face, revealing my neck as is custom for those who are unmated. It reflects many things in our society, including the allure of the most vulnerable part of our bodies on display, along with proving we have yet to be claimed.

I prefer my hair down, shielding me from such views and judgment, unwanted and unsolicited. Though, like everything else in my life, there is no choice I have in this matter.

Oh, here we go...

The soft and regal melody playing ends, the grand double doors opening at the top of the staircase leading down to this basin of a ballroom. The announcement comes clear, swallowing hard as I keep myself hidden for the most part, "King Seskel and Queen Arabella Hárauður."

A sweeping of the crowd is next, showing signs of respect among the different bloodlines. After the King and Queen make their way down the staircase, moving to the end of the ballroom and sitting at their thrones, a throat clears.

The next announcement draws the entire room's focus even more so, "Prince Rune Hárauður."

Respect is once again given, though I observe many of the women who have yet to be claimed, they are flirtatious in their regard. They proudly show their necks a little more, wanting to entrance and capture the Prince's attention. A prize among any. Well, he's not all that I expected, honestly. Prince Rune is hardly the looker I'd have been led to believe, though...

...I guess these women see power as beauty.

While Prince Rune begins mingling with women, we are slowly brought to the center of the ballroom floor. We make an arc, and it's then that I can see Liliana Myrkur.

Stunning, a complete symbol of sexualizing how mortals have come to view vampires. The golden dress she is wrapped up in, it clings to every last one of her curves, Prince Rune halting in front of her for a moment.

He continues on though, my heart jumping into my throat the second Prince Rune walks before me. A weight lifts from my chest when he hardly stops for a second, moving on and admiring others. It's only when a new tune, one I've never heard strikes the air suddenly, Prince Rune stating, "Dance."



Confusion races through me as my body begins to move nearly of its own accord. I'm not the only one, observing the other women moving to the sound of this tune. I've all but forgotten why Odette views the Royal Hárauður Bloodline as those above the laws. Vampires aren't strong enough to compel one another, though any Hárauður member can easily influence another vampire.

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