Chapter 17: Boon or Bane

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Hannah and Yumeko both walked outside to the garden area to talk to Jon Bane after a few minutes of conversing.

"Hey! You guys haven't formally introduced yourselves to each other yet, but this is Yumeko, the girl you accidentally helped last night," Hannah said as she introduced Yumeko to Jon Bane.

"Uhhmm, hi, nice to meet you," Yumeko answered shyly.

Jon Bane remained silent, only nodding his head.

"Alright! I need to go. I'll leave everything to you, Yumeko. Teach him all the rules. I'll be back this evening." Hannah appeared to be having such a hectic day that she wanted to attend to something else.

Hannah immediately left the two of them and went straight to her car. One of the house guards unlocked the gate for her. Hannah opened her car window and asked one of the maids to bring out some food for Jon Bane and Yumeko. She also directed the head guard to keep an eye on them at all times. They both nod in agreement. She then drove her car afterwards.

In the garden, Jon Bane and Yumeko are sitting on the two chairs with a table in between.

"Uhhm, before we start, I just want to formally say thank you for helping me last night. We actually know a little bit of martial arts. Every time Hannah's dad has spare time, he teaches us some moves on how to defend ourselves. It's just that I was a bit dizzy at that time, and that's why I wasn't able to fight them on my own, but still, thank you for helping me." Yumeko wanted to show Jon Bane that she is not as weak as she looks.

Yumeko and Hannah just know the basics. Hannah's father allows them both to practice with him during his spare time. Instead of practicing, they would rather go to a casino or party with their college friends.

Jon Bane smirked slightly as he saw Yumeko acting strong and independent. Yumeko took notice.

"You don't believe me? Maybe I should show you one of my moves," Yumeko remarked, raising both hands.

"Haaaaaaah!" Yumeko yelled as she delivered a karate chop to Jon Bane's nose.

Jon Bane's nose was bleeding slightly. Yumeko panicked and wiped the blood away with her dress.

"Oh my god, sorry, I didn't expect you to take it; I thought you'd evade or block it. By the way, are you okay? Do you want me to take you to the hospital?" Yumeko was nervous and worried.

While Yumeko was wiping the blood from Jon Bane's nose, one of the maids arrived and delivered some snacks to both Jon Bane and Yumeko. Yumeko was wiping Jon Bane's nose with her dress, the maid noticed this.

"Madam, I have some tissues here; you can use this to wipe the blood out," Yumeko was told as she was handed a box of tissues.

Instead of Yumeko getting the tissue, Jon Bane got it and urged Yumeko to just sit and let him do it on his own.

Yumeko still seemed worried as she stared at him. Jon Bane was aware of this.

"This is just a simple nose injury; the bleeding will stop in a couple of minutes; nothing to worry about; okay, maybe we should start studying poker rules while we're eating," Jon Bane stated calmly.

Yumeko spent the entire day teaching Jon Bane every rule of poker.

Hannah arrived later in the evening and overheard them chatting. She overheard that they are no longer discussing poker, but rather the clans in the mountains.

"So, which clan do you belong to?" Hannah interjected.

Yumeko turned around and noticed Hannah.

"Oh, Hannah, you're already here," Yumeko said. "I asked him some questions about his background, and I discovered that this is his first time here in our city, and he's spent his entire life in the mountains training martial arts."

"Yeah, I heard it, so Jon Bane, to which clan in the mountains do you belong?" Hannah inquired again.

"I'm from the Bolo clan; for the record, our clan is one of the strongest clans," Jon Bane replied.

Yumeko stated, "Hannah's father is a guardian-level martial artist; as far as I know, it is already the highest level."

"Are you sure about that? Only martial artists who train in the mountains can achieve that level; normal people here in cities can only achieve up to black level," replied Jon Bane, skeptically.

Yumeko was going to respond, "Yeah, it's true, because Hannah's father also came," when Hannah covered Yumeko's lips with her hand.

"It's getting late; let's call it a day," Hannah urgently urged, pulling Yumeko inside the house with her.

Jon Bane is already at the gate and about to depart the area when he hears Hannah's voice.

Hannah yelled, "Jon Bane, wait!"

Jon Bane came to a halt as Hannah rushed towards him.

"You may have this; I purchased it earlier; I have already saved both my number and Yumeko's number in this phone; I will call you tomorrow," Hannah said as she handed Jon Bane a phone.

"By the way, can you go to the hotel on your own? I can ask my driver to send you there using my car," Hannah suggested.

"No, it's fine; it's not that far, and I also want to familiarize myself with this city, so I'll just walk," Jon Bane stated.

Yumeko is watching them from the second level of the house while they are talking.

Yumeko yelled from the balcony, "It was nice knowing you; see you tomorrow."

Jon Bane did not say anything; he simply nodded and walked away.

After a few minutes of walking, Jon Bane heard footsteps behind him. Suddenly, a gang of men emerged from an alley to his left. Jon Bane came to a halt when he noticed them.

"It's him," one of them said.

Jon Bane is encircled by three guys at his back and five men at his front.

"What do you want?" Jon Bane inquired.

"You don't remember, huh?" remarked a man with bruises on his face.

"Oh, it's you; you're one of the guys from yesterday," Jon Bane appeared to recall.

"You need to pay your life for what you did to us yesterday; our master is here; Master Yi, the owner of Yi Gym, is a black-level martial artist; you won't stand a chance against him," one of them said.

"Black level, huh?" Jon Bane seemed unfazed.

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