Chapter 12: Chakra Points

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Rica, who was sleeping in one of the cottages, was startled awake by the sound of the crash. She ran to the open ground where the sound was coming from. She ran into old man Bau and Rona.

"Who are you guys? Where am I?" Rica was perplexed.

"You're here in Estes Clan; my grandfather brought you here," Rona replied.

"Anyway, let's talk about it later; Jon Bane is currently fighting one of our clan members," Rona continued.

"What? Jon Bane? Where is he?" Rica is still perplexed by what is going on.

The impact also created a massive pit on the ground, and the surrounding area turned dusty. After a few seconds, a person emerged from the pit, but they had no idea who it was. When the dust settled, they saw that it was actually Jon Bane without his blindfold.

Rica seeing Jon Bane, She immediately inquired. "Are you okay?"

"My entire body is aching, and I suspect I have some broken ribs," Jon Bane replied.

"Where is Febrero?" Rona asked, looking worried.

"He's fine; after slamming me onto the ground, he went unconscious after a few seconds," Jon Bane said, his face contorted with pain.

"Rona, start healing Jon Bane right away; let me get Febrero," Oldman Bau ordered.

Rona simply nodded and motioned for Jon Bane to sit in front of her, after which she began healing him by placing both of her hands on Jon Bane's back.

Febrero was lifted from the pit by Oldman Bau and placed him next to Jon Bane.

"Does he also need healing?" Rona asked old man Bau while she was still healing Jon Bane.

"He's just unconscious; he doesn't need healing; let's just wait for him to wake up; after all, you already know he's special. His body can regenerate itself without him doing anything," Oldman Bau remarked.

Rica became perplexed as she realized something: "It doesn't make sense; he has a different tokugi compared to all of Estes clan members; could it be because he is actually a..."

Rica hasn't finished talking yet, but old man Bau already understood what she was thinking.

"A bolo clan member?" old man Bau sneered.

"Yeah, is one of his parents from the Bolo clan?" Rica inquired.

"Actually, his father is from the bolo clan, but we don't consider him a bolo clan member because he doesn't have any fukusayo. I've been watching over him for about 20 years and there's not a trace of a fukusayo in him. Besides, his tokugi is still considered healing, so he still belongs to this clan," old man Bau explained.

During their conversation, Febrero awoke and inquired, "What happened? Did I lose the match?"

Yes, you passed out after slamming him to the ground," old man Bau replied.

When Jon Bane saw Febrero recover consciousness, he inquired, "What did you do earlier? How did you manage to grab me?"

"The idea came from old man Bau; he wanted me to test it on you, and it works." Kicks and strikes will not work on you, so oldman Bau advised me to hold you slowly without the intention of harming you. "Once I had you in my grip, I immediately tightened my grip to slam you to the ground," Febrero explained.

"It's one of your tokugi's flaws; if someone has no intention of hurting you, your tokugi will not take effect," old man Bau continued.

Okay, I'm done. How do you feel right now?" Rona whispered as she motioned for Jon Bane to rise.

"It feels like nothing happened to me; all of the pain I felt earlier is gone now," Jon Bane replied.

"Rona, accompany Rica to our citadel; give her something to eat; and you, Febrero, go with them; after this kind of fight, it makes you hungry. Jon Bane, stay here; we will talk about something," said Oldman Bau.

After the three of them had gone, old man Bau closed his eyes for a brief period of concentration. A great power emitted from his body, causing Jon Bane to back up a few feet away from him. He then opened his eyes, and he is emitting a dark white aura while his pupils dilate.

Oldman Bau started moving and making martial arts attacks as if he was fighting someone. His movements are extremely quick, and his impacts make tremendous noises as if he is actually hitting something, despite the fact that he is simply hitting the air.

Jon Bane can't even keep up with him.

"He moves faster than any guardian-level martial artist in the Bolo clan," Jon Bane wondered. "Is this a level above guardian, but Elder Chou told me that guardian is already the maximum level."

Oldman Bau vanished in Jon Bane's eyes after a few seconds, unaware that he was already at his back.

"Booooh," Old Man Bau said quietly into Jon Bane's left ear.

Jon Bane was surprised for a moment as he spun around, but there was no one there.

Oldman Bau was already in front of him as he turned his back again.

"How did you do that? Your movements are faster than any guardian martial artist I know," Jon Bane inquired.

"After becoming a guardian level martial artist, the next step should be mastering how to open chakra points in our body. Technically, we have 7 major chakra points, but not all martial artists can open them all up to the seventh chakra point. Each chakra point will give you a boost in your fighting ability," oldman Bau explained.

"Earlier, Febrero gained a sudden increase in strength; did he open some chakra points?" Jon Bane inquired.

Yes, he opened Manipura, the third chakra point, but as you can see, he only kept it open for a few seconds. It is because, while a chakra point is open, it continues to drain your ki reserves, and as we all know, if all of your ki stores are drained, you will become unconscious. He is still a red-level martial artist, therefore his ki reserves are still inferior to those who are guardian-level martial artists like us. Our ki reserves are a hundred times greater than theirs." Old man Bau explained.

"You can stay here with me if you want to learn this technique; I will train you to reach your full potential," old man Bau continued.

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