Chapter 20

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Sunday mornings usually required breakfast in McDonald's. She shoved the fresh tortilla stuffed with chicken, cherry tomatoes, lettuce and other kinds of greens she did not bothered pondering about. Premium Mcwrap Chicken and Bacon - crispy as she preferred to, was a daily get to go for Cindy.

She sat on a plastic white chair with steel legs, contemplating the thick two inched glass. Actually it was not the glass neither the view of leaves falling outside. Neither the masked woman carrying bundles of paper bags nor the man in a fedora hat wearing a half-zipped jacket that made her thoughts musing in a galaxy far far away. For taking in a quick appreciation of her morning, she'd finally figured out her life. That hers stinks. Man do I feel old yet, was what her brain was trying to say.

Albeit she's only twenty-one, she was already seeing a glimpse of her future ten years from now. That would be sitting at this same spot and still be wondering about it. The only thing that went her way was being a reporter in Good Morning NYC, the not so far building about three blocks away from where she was standing.

It was also not that far from Central Park where she was also left wondering few days ago. An incident where Cindy and Luke, her loyal camera man, unexpectedly occupied VIP seats to a bombing attempt. They were sitting on a log, sweaty after given an assignment to film a neighbor newly opened gym. Did they needed to do those running on treadmills? She felt like an ant trying to weigh up a stone using her miniscule limbs for those dumbbells. She bet she looked dumb maintaining poised live.

"I don't even want to look at that tape again," she groaned at Luke.

"We got a scoop with the kidnapping in Brooklyn," he tried to lift her spirit. "We'll find some scoop again, soon."

She never imagined that soon would really be soon. Like literally. The next thing she heard was arousing panic coming from the fountain place. People were prodding away from the source of commotion. If she'd acted out of adrenaline rush she'd also do the same. But as a reporter, she was born for this kind of situation.

They were circling the man along with a bunch of officers like they were filming a scene from an action movie except they were betting their life on this.

"You expect me to calm down after she killed my son?" his words flashed back vividly.

"I know what it feels like. Your family - people you love gone after a blink of an eye....."

Luke, feeling charged up, angled the camera for a close up, "This is going to go off the charts Cindy."

"I know you choose to be a better man."

She stood stiff. The lieutenant's words carved inside her heart. She wasn't just trying to calm the senses of him, she was speaking the truth. Her eyes were making her listen. She felt wrong using this for her own benefit.

With one swift bolt, she snatched the camera away from her partner and covered its eye with her palm. He gave her a muted what-is-wrong-with-you sound.

"That's enough," placidity in her austere voice. "We already got what we want."

She felt dumb. It even took a police officer and a suicide bomber for her to remember why she pursued on her dream. To continue being a reporter even if it meant breaking ties with her family. She wanted to encourage people around her to be brave and show no fear in unravelling the truth.

The press seemed to be thirsting for power, there was no freedom. They were being controlled by the government - wanting to hear what they want to hear. At some point she envied the lieutenant. Like her, can she also dare to step out? Even if it meant walking alone or abandoning her work in the broadcasting network.

Red Alarm [A Detective/Thriller Story] DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now