Traffic Light Boy

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This is by Chloe-bourgeois-is-big-gay(ThatNerd1). Let us get this show on the road.


Marinette meets the boy on the other end of her string.


So far, most everybody in has found their supposed soulmate. Even Lila, although, Marinette doubts she is telling the truth. 

During their trip to Gotham, Lila could not help but lie about it, especially when the chances of meeting them were so low, "Of course, Damian invited me to stay in Wayne Manor, but I decided it was best to stay with you guys."

The class, as always, believed her. Poor Rose, who couldn't imagine being away from her soulmate, spoke up, "Oh Lila, you see us all the time! You shouldn't be separated from your soulmate!"

As always, whenever Lila was involved, the class agreed.

"That's so good of you, but I've are ready-made my decision!"

Alya looked at her kindly, "We are going to Wayne Enterprises tomorrow. Why not meet him there and we can all say 'hello'."

Lila strained a grimace, "I'll see what I can do."


Throughout the night, Ladybug noticed her string fluctuating between transparent and translucent, before turning completely opaque, while she was swinging on her way back to the hotel.

'What could this mean?'

Suddenly, she crashed into another person. Both were about to crash into the ground until Ladybug grabbed ahold of the other person's waist and grappled her yo-yo onto a neighbouring ledge.

Once they both had both feet on a solid rooftop, Ladybug took a good look at the other person.

It was a boy about her age, obviously, a vigilante from the area, indicated by the domino mask he was sporting, wearing traffic light colours and a black hood.

What was strange about him (other than the fact he was obviously a vigilante) was the fact he was staring at her right hand. When Ladybug looked down, she realised what he was looking at. Her string was completely opaque, red and connected to his.

Just as either of them was about to react to the news of having a soulmate, a soft muttering occurred, Ladybug could barely hear it and couldn't make out any words. It was coming from the boy's ear, obviously some sort of communications device. The Traffic Light Boy, have her an apologetic look before running away, presumably towards whoever was on the other end of the comm.

She didn't even get his alias.


The next day, Marinette was thinking about the Traffic Light Boy, or as a quick Google search told her 'Robin'.

When she woke up, she was hoping maybe someone would notice the little red bow tied around her little finger and congratulate her on finding her soulmate, as per tradition and common manners. Then someone would have to at least acknowledge her, for once.

As per usual, everyone was too busy listening to Lila's lies about being connected to one of the Wayne's.

They were getting off the bus outside of Wayne Enterprises, when Marinette felt another tug on her finger, just like the previous night, but now forceful.

Dick, their tour guide, was guiding then into the main atrium when she felt the tug again, but this time her whole hand went with it. Her red bow had grown a string again and it wanted to lead her somewhere.

The class noticed this time and obviously thought she was being dramatic, "Anything for attention. Classic Marinette!"

They continued with their tour, Marinette's hand while still trying to pull her, wasn't as harsh as before. Every so often it would catch the attention of their guide, who kept asking if she would like some help with.

She denied any help, "I'm fine, the strings been doing this all day."

This, of course, got her classmates attention, they finally realised Marinette had a red string tied to her pinkie. As far as they knew she was about to meet her soulmate, they didn't need to know about the previous night.

'It is odd, though. Why would my string want me to meet my soulmate, again?'

Half-hearted congratulations were given out. Lila did not like the fact the class were speaking to Marinette, even if it was reluctantly.

Lila, quietly enough that the adults couldn't hear but the class could, whispered, "I bet whoever's on the end of that string is just as pathetic as you, Marinette."

That got a few giggles out of the class.

Suddenly, a violent pull tugged Marinette pour of the group and made her trip over Lila's leg and into another person.

Marinette couldn't stop apologising, while the class snickered at her misfortune.

The person she banged into was her age, he kept assuring her apologies were not necessary.

The boy held out a hand to help her up and when she took it, she felt an almost electric shock. The classes laugh died down to inappropriate giggles. She realised why soon enough, her bow-tied red string was connected to an identical one on his pinkie finger.

She introduced herself, and the classes inappropriate giggles died out altogether when the boy introduced himself.

"I'm Damien Wayne. It looks like we're soulmates."

The shocked expressions from her class and tour guide (whom she later found out was Damien's older brother), wrought a slightly satisfied emotion from within her.

"Yes, it does look like that," she lowered her voice to a volume only be could hear, "I can't wait to get to know you, Traffic Light Boy."

He smiled back at her, "Me neither, Spots."


The only changes that happened were just grammar or spelling changes. 

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