The Bride that can Break Bones

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By: LovesWifi

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Marinette and Damian are betrothed and that's all you need to know.


Chapter One

For as long as Marinette, she was told she was there for one purpose, and one purpose alone. To be the best. She was sold for money to the League, her father didn't want her and her mother was forced to sell her or get rid of her. At least that's what she's always been told. She was five when she was entered into a tournament by her mentor, whoever would win an unknown prize.

The tournament is at the end of the year so she convinces her mentor to let her put in more hours of training and tactics. She stayed up late practicing her technique and she was focused more one mastering clumsiness or using it to her advantage. She spent her free Sunday, studying the school work that she was assigned but had to put off due to her excessive training. She had hope that the prize would be freedom.

The day of the tournament was fast approaching and it wasn't until the final week when she learned some additional information about the competition. It was open to all ages between the ages of four to thirteen. It turned out, she was the youngest competing. She was a bit nervous now, she may be trained to take out people larger than her, but she's never done it outside of training.

The day of the competition hit her like a bullet, she was nervous as heck lined up with the rest of the competitors. Everyone was dressed in their uniform and looking professional and emotionless, and Marinette was no different. Then her nerves spiked... Mistress Al Ghul and her son, young Master Al Ghul were standing above them.

"Good day, today you compete for a prize, which you will know when or if you survive this," Talia greeted the competitors.

"Yes Mistress!" they reply in sync.

It was an all-out brawl, a battle royale, a fight for the title of victor. Some of the older kids charged her, probably thinking to get her out first. She dodges, before doing an attack from behind, the girl falls. She marked with a color from above, showcasing her elimination.

"I'm gonna get you brat," she growls standing. Marinette just ran off the find someone else, or have someone else approach her. She was lucky there were to kids just a bit older than her, fighting it out. She attacks the girl with the upper hand. She does a throat upper punch. The other boy, seeing an opening, goes for a high attack. He left his lower-half open, she took advantage of it, using his momentum she tackled him to the ground. She proceeded to straddle his midsection and deliver blows to his face. He gets marked as an elimination so she moves on to another group, taking them out one at a time till she was left face to face with an eleven-year-old.

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