It's Just Indifference

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By: dontyoublink


Marinette thought she would just get some inspiration for her designs when she headed to the park. As luck would have it, she also meets four (interesting? unique? slightly insane?) Americans. Frisbee, ice cream, and much-needed conversations ensue.

Authors Note:

Title from "I Forgot That You Existed" by Taylor Swift, which first inspired this idea. If something seems similar to another Daminette story, it's probably because I've practically read them all more than once, so I guess it's inspired by all of you, too!


Marinette tilted her head back, shut her eyes, and took a moment to appreciate the warmth of the summer sun. When she had looked out her window that morning, she hadn't been able to resist the draw of the beautiful weather and quickly headed to a nearby park.

Now, a couple of hours later, her sketchbook was practically overflowing with new designs for summer clothing. Between the sudden stroke of inspiration, the clear skies, and no school to worry about, it was already shaping up to be a great day.

If only Hawkmoth would have a change of heart, Marinette thought wryly, then it would be perfect.

Thoughts of Hawkmoth quickly led to thoughts of her friends-turned-teammates, who had recently become permanent miraculous holders. Over the past two years, the akumas had become increasingly more dangerous, to the point that Ladybug and Chat Noir agreed that they could no longer waste time tracking down their temporary allies. It had only been a few months, but Ryuko, Viperion, and Abeille were nearly as beloved as the original heroes.

Kagami and Luka had been surprised by this change, but Chloé had been downright shocked. Shortly after Lila returned to Françoise-Dupont, Chloé approached Marinette and apologized for the years of bullying her. She saw what Lila was doing to Marinette and had been horrified to realize that she had been just like the girl before Ladybug inspired her to change. It had taken some time and a lot of trust, but Chloé eventually became one of Marinette's closest friends. She was reunited with Pollen, under the condition that she had to create a new hero persona.

The three were some of the best friends and teammates Marinette could have asked for; unfortunately for her, they were all currently out of town. Kagami was in Japan for a fencing tournament, Luka was touring France with the band he joined after Kitty Section dissolved, and Chloé and her mother were visiting the New York branch of Audrey's company.

Marinette couldn't be happier for her friends, but without them around it was hard to keep her thoughts from the what-ifs that had plagued her for the past few years.

What if Lila had never returned to school?

What if her friends had listened to Marinette's warnings?

What if her teacher had actually done something about the bullying?

What if her school had taken her and her parents' reports seriously?

She would probably be at this park with most of her class, listening to Max mediate an argument between Alix and Kim. Nino would be trading music samples with Rose, Juleka, and Ivan, the group talking about their influences and giving each other tips, and Mylène would chime in every now and then from her spot next to Ivan. Marc and Nathaniel would be working on the upcoming issue of their comic, while she and Alya chatted about the Ladyblog or Marinette's recent commissions. And Adrien—

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