Gone Forever

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By: HappGorl



Oh my darling oh my darling
Oh my darling Clementine
You are lost and gone forever
Dreadful sorry, Clementine
Light she was and like a fairy
Was my darling Clementine
There's a churchyard on the hillside
Where the flowers grow and twine
There grow the roses, 'most the poses
Are fertilized by Clementine
In my dreams, she still doth haunt me
But oh how I wish she was by my side
How I miss her, oh how I miss her
How I miss my Clementine.

Aka: Damian's version of Dimmed Sunshine and more.


When Damian wakes from the land of sleep, he immediately knows someone's been in his room. He levels out his breathing, pretending to still be unconscious, and senses the air around him to see if whoever entered is there. They're not.

He sits up wearily, looking around his room, trying to spot anything out of the ordinary. Everything's the same except there's a closed box and pair of sunglasses and a piece of paper on his end table that wasn't there before. On top of the box was an intricate Chinese design that he knows he's seen somewhere else. Eyeing the unusually familiar box, he grabs the paper instead.

Oh my darling oh my darling

Oh my darling Clementine.

The letter is written on regular notebook paper, the kind of stuff that you can buy in bulk for $2. But the thing that really stood out was the handwriting that spelt his name at the top. Marinette.


I'm going on a personal mission today, so please don't contact me. If I fail, I'll call you tomorrow, and if I don't... then this is the last time you'll be hearing from me.

I'm leaving Tikki and Kaalki with you so they don't convince me not to take part in this mission of mine. If I do succeed, I'm leaving the Miracle Box with you because I not only trust you to be my Black Cat but as my partner.

Till the end,


Damian reads and rereads the note several times before her meaning sinks down into him. "Fuck!" He leaps out of bed, momentarily pausing to throw some clothes on and grab the things Marinette left, and sprints into the hallway.

He races through the Manor's maze-like halls with ease, neither stopping nor slowing when turning corners causing him to run into a sleep-deprived Tim when he nears the kitchen. As he passes his brother, he grabs the back of his shirt and drags him into the dining room where everyone else is still eating.

Bruce looks up from the morning newspaper to see Damian barge into the room, pulling a choking Tim along. He sighs and goes back to reading. "What did Tim do this time?"

"Nothing." Everyone looks up at him in bewilderment and he clears his throat. "Let me clarify that. Tim didn't do anything this time. Actually, it doesn't involve anyone in the Manor." Jason rolls his eyes.

"If you're freaking out because you don't know what to get Pixie Pop for her birthday-"

"If you guys keep running your mouths, Marinette won't see her next birthday." Even Plagg looks up from his cheese plate. Now that he has everyone's attention, he tosses the letter, the box and the glasses onto the table for everyone to see. " Somehow Marinette was able to get from Paris to here without anyone knowing. Not only that, but she was able to get into the Manor without setting off any alarms. How?" Plagg flies towards where the box and the sunglasses were laying and speaks solemnly.

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