Kiss me once ( you know I had a long night)

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By dontyoublink


Robin joins the Miraculous Team in their hunt for Hawkmoth. For some reason, he and Ladybug are drawn to each other. Who could possibly know why?

Author's Notes:

Title from "Paper Rings" by Taylor Swift.

I probably borrow a lot of details from other fics (example: Ladybug developing an app that helps track akumas), so credit goes to all the amazing authors in this fandom.

Thank you so much for all the comments and kudos on the previous fics in the series! They inspire me to work even faster on new ideas. Let me know what you think of this one too!


The first time Robin showed up in Paris was just under two months after Marinette had attended the Wayne gala. He explained that Batman and his team had recently been made aware of the Miraculous Teams' situation and wanted to offer assistance in tracking down Hawkmoth. Some on the team (Abeille and Ryuko) were immediately wary, but Marinette had heard enough about the vigilantes from Damian that she was willing to trust him.

After brief but intense negotiations, some ground rules were established. First, Robin would not participate in akuma fights unless given permission. He initially put up a fight about this, arguing that he had been trained for combat his whole life—which created a ton of questions that she wasn't sure she wanted the answers too—and thus had much more experience than them. Ladybug was quick to shut that down.

("That may be true, but what we're dealing with is a specific kind of magic that you've never encountered. Hell, we've been at this for years and it still feels like we barely understand it sometimes.")

The second rule had to do with communication. Because Robin would be traveling back and forth between Gotham and Paris, the teens decided to prearrange weekly meetings at the abandoned warehouse the team had been using as a base. Ladybug did not appreciate how smug the boy wonder looked when he refused to share how exactly he would be making the trip so frequently, but she got him back by telling him that they would need to modify one of his communication devices so they could contact him via miraculous in case of an emergency.

(Robin was practically pouting when he handed her the device. Ladybug could just barely hear him muttering something about "pits" and "grandfather," as well as what she assumed from his tone of voice were rather colorful Arabic words directed toward magic in general.)

The last rule was that there would be no identity-swapping. It was the only one to which Robin readily agreed, even if he was a little...blunt about it.

("I do not plan on being mind-controlled by a terrorist, but I am not compromising my identity, and I certainly do not care about yours.")

With these guidelines in place, the group agreed to meet at their base in one week.

Of course, things are never that easy.


A day before the scheduled meeting, Hawkmoth unleashed a particularly challenging akuma who had plunged the city into darkness by obscuring both the sun and all artificial light sources. The victim had just been fired from a TV show due to low ratings and announced that if the public didn't want to see them, then no one would be able to see anything at all.

Thirty minutes into the battle, the team had identified the akumatized object thanks to Chat Noir's night vision, but they hadn't been able to capture it.

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