I think He knows

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By dontyoublink



Damian's stuck at a Wyane gala, but all he really wants is a text from Marinette.#

Author's Notes:

Title from "I Think He Knows" by Taylor Swift. I've decided to lean into this album as my theme for these works haha.

Y'all, I am blown away by the response to my first one-shot! I can't believe it! Anyway, turns out comments and kudos were good motivation to spend all my free time at work writing the follow-up, so here we are. Enjoy!


Damian adjusted the cuffs of his sleeves, scanning the ballroom. As the most personable son, Grayson was helping Bruce greet the last of the guests for the charity gala. Todd was already returning to the snack table for seconds. Drake looked like he was in deep conversation with some of Wayne Enterprise's business partners.

Usually, he'd be glad that his brothers were leaving him alone, but at events like this, it only meant that he'd soon be trapped in an interaction with one of his obnoxious rich peers. It was much easier to ignore them at school when he wasn't technically one of the hosts for a high-profile event.

And speak of the devil. He spotted one of his classmates heading directly toward him. It was too late to make an unnoticed escape, so Damian sighed and resigned himself to his fate. He adopted a bored look as the other teen reached his side.


"Elliott." Vance Elliott was distantly related to the original Elliott family from Gotham, which made him feel much more important than he actually was. Luckily for Damian, the boy loved the sound of his own voice so much that he could maintain the appearance of listening by nodding and humming in agreement every so often, while actually tuning him out.

As the boy talked, Damian subtly glanced at his phone, hoping to see a text from Marinette that could save him from the ramblings of his classmate. Unfortunately, he had no such luck. Marinette had warned him that she would be busy tonight and unable to text much, but the blank phone screen was still annoying. The worst part was that she had been cagey when he asked what was going to be occupying her time, simply referring to it as an "event" and refusing to divulge any further details.

It had been a surprise the first time Marinette had texted him. They had only hung out once more in Paris after getting ice cream together; she had taken him to see the artists in Place du Tertre, and they exchanged phone numbers when they had decided to briefly split up and examine different artists' stalls.

A few days later, as he deboarded the plane in Gotham with his brothers after their "business trip" (in truth, a reconnaissance mission investigating rumors of magic users) to Paris, he saw he had a text.


I hope you had a safe flight!

He considered ignoring it, but that thought left a weird feeling in the pit of his stomach for some reason. Before he could second-guess himself, he sent a response.


The only people who were in danger were

my brothers because of their pestering.


😂😂😂Well then, I hope they had a safe flight!

That reply was what convinced Damian to pursue this tentative friendship with a random girl from France. Most people didn't get his sense of humor—many of them thought he was too serious to even attempt jokes in the first place. But she was different.

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