Chapter Ten

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Winterfell - Year 300 - Two Months After The Raven - Robb and Elia's Bedroom

"Treason? Sansa wrote this?" It was dark outside. How late it was however, Elia could only guess. They had been sleeping when Maester Luwin barged into their room followed closely by Theon Greyjoy. Apparently, there had been another raven. This time, from King's Landing. Dark Wings, Dark Words. Turns out, that old saying is true.

"It is your sister's hand, but the Queen's words. You are summoned to King's Landing to swear fealty to the new King." New king? Elia was so confused, they hadn't even heard that Robert had died, let alone that they had crowned the boy king!

"Trentan puts my father in chains, now he wants his ass kissed?" Robb growled out, crumpling the letter as his hands clenched. Elia sat up slowly, making sure the sheet covered her naked chest as she leaned her cheek against his shoulder and allowed her hand to rub his back, trying to calm him down.

"This is a royal command My Lord. If you should refuse to obey..." Maester Luwin looked concerned, but Elia could tell he was also angry, he wanted justice for the lord he had served for seventeen years.

"I won't refuse. His Grace summons us to King's Landing. We shall go. But not alone. Call the banners."

"All of them My Lord?" Maester Luwin asked, with a small approving smile on his face that neither Robb or Elia missed. But she was proud too, proud of the boy she had married that was turning into a man.

"They have all sworn to defend my father, have they not?"

"They have."

"Now we see what their words are worth."

"Yes My Lord." As Luwin was turning away, to go send the ravens, Elia called out.

"Maester. Send a Raven to Sunspear. Tell my cousins to bring my men. All of them. Tell them to bring sail their ships up to White Harbor. That I will meet them there. Tell them we are riding to war." Maester Luwin looked over at his new Lady. He was honestly surprised, he had not expected the woman to be willing to risk the lives of her men for Ned, and honestly Robb was surprised too. But Luwin nodded and left as quickly as he could so he could send the required letters.

"Are you afraid?" Theon asked Robb, giving him a strange look. Robb looked down at his hands, which were shaking, until Elia grabbed them and held them close to her. Robb looked over at her with loving eyes that she missed but Theon definitely did not.

"I must be."


"Why is that good?"

"It means you're not stupid."

Winterfell - Two Days Later - The Great Hall

All of Robb's banners had come. And according to the letter they had received hours after the one they sent, Elia's fifty-thousand men would be sailing up the Narrow Sea and arriving within the week. Elia was to meet them in White Harbor, and apparently Robb demanded that he come as well, five days from now. But, as all of Robb's banners were here, they were feasting. And, as Lord of Winterfell, Robb was hosting the lords of the North at his high table, with his wife.

"For thirty years I've been making corpses out of men, boy. I'm the man you want leading the Vanguard." Elia had fount that the Greatjon was a very prideful man, who thought to much of himself. But, as she was Robb's wife, and Robb had not proved himself yet to these men, she did not want to embarrass him by stepping in to put the man in his place. That was her husband's job.

"Galbart Glover will lead the Van."

"The bloody Wall will melt before an Umber marches behind a Glover. I will lead the Van or I will take my men and march them home." Elia looked over at her husband out of the corner of her eye, and watched as a sinister smile formed on his face. A smile she had never seen before on her caring, soft husband, but she thought she would probably see more of it before the war was over.

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