Chapter Seven

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Winterfell - Year 300 - The Arrival of the King - The Courtyard

Lady Elia Stark was gripping the arm of her husband as she stood to his right in the family lineup as the first of the royal guards began to ride into the courtyard. She was scared of what would happen when Tywin Lannister and Prince Trentan arrived, would they be upset that she was married to a man that was, technically, of a lower stature than them? In money he was, as far as she could tell the Starks had enough money, but not as much as the Lannisters, and they did not have as much power as the Prince.

"Where's Arya? Sansa? Where's your sister?" Lady Catelyn asked, leaning around her husband so she could look at Sansa, who was stationed at Elia's right. Sansa shrugged, looking very uninterested, but before Catelyn could question her further, Arya ran in front of her, wearing a metal helmet that Elia thought looked ridiculous. She covered her mouth to hide her laughter as Ned grabbed her arm and looked her up and down.

"Hey, hey, hey, hey. What are you doing with that on?" He reached up and pulled the helmet off, leaning behind him to give it to Rodrik Cassel who gave him a little smile as Arya ran off to wedge herself between Sansa and Bran. Bran obviously wasn't moving fast enough as she shoved him aside.

"Move!" She said harshly, shoving him again causing him to stumble.

"Arya!" I snapped, not noticing as Prince Trentan rode through the gates, wearing bright gold armor, followed closely by the Ser Gregor Clegane. The Hound. Robb felt a flush overcome his face as he noticed the looks that the Prince was giving his wife. He gave the hand that was wrapped around his arm a squeeze while glaring at the Prince, who had in turn began to glare at him. Before anything could be said however, a large coach lumbered into the courtyard, followed by King Robert Baratheon, a large man, riding a large destrier. Probably the only animal that could carry him all the way from King's Landing.

All the Starks knelt before their King, along with all of their men as the King began to heave himself off of his horse, and began to walk to stand in front of Ned Stark. He let the man kneel in silence for a moment before he curled his hand, signaling for them to rise. Robb helped pull Elia out of the deep curtsy she had fallen into, and then turned his attention to the fat, red-faced, bearded man with the horned crown.

"Your Grace." Ned said humbly, bowing his head towards the man who was his best friend.

"You've got fat." The King rumbled out in a gravely, low voice. Robb and Elia watched in amusement at Ned gave the King a look, almost an 'look in the mirror buddy' look, that if he were any other man, would have had him beheaded. But King Robert found it hilarious as they both started roaring with laughter. The King then turned to the Lady of Winterfell at his friend's left.

"Cat!" He pulled her into an awkward hug.

"Your Grace." She said politely, hugging him back as best as she could. The King turned back to Ned.

"Nine years. Why haven't I seen you? Where the hell have you been?"

"Guarding the North for you, Your Grace. Winterfell is yours." While the two men were talking, Queen Cersei and her children, the Princess Marielyn, a beautiful black haired beauty that looked like a Baratheon, and Prince Tommen, a young boy who couldn't be older than Bran, and who had all the looks of a Lannister, began to descend from their coach. After they were out of the coach, it slowly began to leave through the other entrance, and another coach began to roll in. This one was larger, and had lions and wolves decorating it. When it stopped, more people began to step out.

Ned found himself distracted by the people emerging from the carriage. It was his sister, the Lady Arya, and her husband, Jaime. Behind them, came their three children, that Ned had never met. He knew their names though. The eldest was named Tywin, after Jaime's father, and he seemed to be the same age as Robb, and he looked like a Stark, he had dark hair, and the same steel grey eyes as his mother. The eldest girl was named Joanna, after Jaime's mother, and she was a striking beauty, she was the age of Sansa, if he recalled correctly, and she was a Lannister through and through, with her blond hair and striking green eyes. The youngest, was being carried by Arya, and she looked like an angel. Her name was Haleigh, and she was two. She had beautiful curly blond hair that surrounded her face like a halo, and her grey eyes were from her mother.

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