Chapter Thirteen

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The Road to Vaes Dothrak - Year 300 - The Great Grass Sea

Dany had been riding forever. They had left camp before the sunrise, and had slowly moved through the grass, heading towards Vaes Dothrak, the city of the horse lords. Dany had not eaten since before the wedding, or had anything to drink. She was exhausted, and her dress was dirty, and her hands had blisters.

"You need to drink child... and eat." Ser Jorah said, trying to hand Dany some horse jerky.

"Isn't there anything else?" Dany said, turning her nose down at the touch substance, but reaching for it anyway, the hunger pains getting the best of her.

"The Dothraki have two things in abundance: grass and horses. People can't live on grass... In the Shadow Lands beyond Asshai, they say there are fields of ghost grass with stalks as pale as milk that glow in the night. It murders all other grass. The Dothraki believe that one day it will cover everything. That's the way the world will end... It'll get easier." Ser Jorah said, trying to distract her with stories as she chewed on the tough meat. It didn't work, she could still see the doe eyes of the horse she was riding as she bit onto the flesh of its cousin. And besides, the world would not end by grass... It would end in fire and ice.

The Road to Vaes Dothrak - Sunset - The Dothraki Camp

When they finally arrived at the camp, it had already been set up by the members of the horde that had ridden ahead, and Dany was relieved to see her three handmaidens were already there. She almost fell after dismounting, her legs weak from riding all day.

"Khaleesi!" Doreah screamed as she caught her, and they began to look her over as they brought her into her tent.

"Your hands, Khaleesi!" Irri said, concerned by the blisters and cuts as they helped her to sit down. After they wrapped her hands with bandages covered in some kind of paste, they helped Dany into a bath, washing off the dirt and mud that had collected on her body throughout the ride. They then brought her more horse jerky, to snack on while they bathed her, and when they were finally done making her presentable, Khal Drogo came to her yet again. He gently led her over to their padded mat that was laid on the floor as her ladies left her. She wanted to ask them to stay, maybe he wouldn't rape her if her ladies were there. But she knew he would, he seemed to enjoy the sight of women getting raped at their wedding. So she kept quiet, and when he mounted her from behind, she just gritted her teeth and forced herself not to cry, instead looking at her dragon eggs, and dreaming that they would hatch.

The Road to Vaes Dothrak - Sunset, Two Days Later - Dany's Tent

"Have you ever seen a dragon?" Dany asked, looking over at her eggs while her ladies fluttered arund her like birds, tending to her hands and feet.

"Dragon gone, Khaleesi." Irri said, she was a sweet girl, and she knew both Dothraki and the Common Tongue very well.

"Everywhere? Even in the east?"

"No dragon. Brave men kill them. It is known." Irri said again, rubbing more of the paste onto Dany's hands as she did.

"It is known." Jhiqui said from her position at Dany's feet.

"A trader from Qarth told me that dragons come from the moon." Doreah said as she worked on Dany's other hand.

"The moon?"

"He told me the moon was an egg, Khaleesi, that once there were two moons in the sky. But one wandered too close to the sun and it cracked from the heat. Out of it poured a thousand thousand dragons and they drank the sun's fire." Irri and Jhiqui laughed at the whore that Viserys had bought for her. She wasn't a Dothraki, like the other two, and she didn't know anything about their beliefs or customs.

"Moon is no egg. Moon is goddess... wife of sun. It is known." Irri said with a smile as she began to wrap Dany's hand.

"It is known." Jhiqui echoed.

"Leave me with her. Why the the trader from Qarth tell you these stories?" Dany asked in confusion as Irri and Jhiqui rose to leave the tent. When they were gone, Doreah looked up and answered the question.

"Men like to talk when they're happy. Before your brother bought me for you, it was my job to make men happy."

"How old were you?"

"I was nine when my mother sold me to the pleasure house."


"I did not touch a man for three years Khaleesi. First you must learn." Dany hesitated as Doreah leaned over her hand, finishing up the binding, before she made the decision to ask.

"Can you teach me how to make the Khal... happy?"

"Yes." Doreah said as she looked up at her slyly.

"Will it take three years?" Dany asked with hesitation, not understanding or liking the look Doreah was giving her.

"No." She said with a secret smirk all her own, Dany just hoped that trusting this woman wasn't a mistake. As Doreah led her over to her mat, her stomach erupted into butterflies.

"Lay down Khaleesi." So she did, on her back, with her hands by her side, and then Doreah was climbing on top of her, pressing her pelvis down onto Dany's in a way that made her shiver with anticipation, for what, she wasn't sure, but her body seemed to know. Doreah leaned over her, looking in her eyes, causing Dnay to look off to the side nervously.

"No, Khaleesi. You must look in his eyes always. Love comes in at the eyes. It is said that Irogenia of Lys could finish a man with nothing but her eyes." Doreah had picked up Dany's hands, playing with her fingers, entrancing Dany with the movement.

"Finish a man?" Doreah raised an eyebrow at the Khaleesi, causing Dany to let out a nervous chuckle as she finally understood what she was talking about.

"Kings traveled across the world for a night with Irogenia. Magisters sold their palaces. Khals burned her enemies just to have her for a few hours. They say a thousand men proposed to her and she refused them all."

"Well, she sounds like an interesting woman. I don't think that Drogo will like it with me on top."

"You will make him like it, Khaleesi. Men want what they've never had. And the Dothraki take slaves like a hound takes a bitch. Are you a slave, Khaleesi? Then don't make love like a slave." Doreah began to circle her hips on Dany's, it was massaging Dany in a place she had never even thought could be pleasurable, and suddenly, she wanted to be in control of this pleasure. So, she took control, and flipped them, and suddenly, it was her circling her hips and pressing Doreah down into the mattress.

"Very good Khaleesi! Out there, he is the mighty Khal, but in this tent, he belongs to you."

"I don't think that this is the Dothraki way."

"If he wanted the Dothraki way, why did he marry you?" When they were finished with their lessons, Dany laid down on the mat, waiting for the Khal to come in for the night, hoping she would be able to try this new technique on him. When Drogo entered, he was surprised to find his new Khaleesi sitting up in bed waiting for him. He was late coming in, so he had expected to have to abstain for the night, or wake her up, but to find her waiting, and seemingly excited to have him in her once again, caused his erection to grow. He moved up behind her, pushing her hair to the side as he went to kiss her neck from behind, undoing the laces of his breeches.

"No!" His wife cried anxiously, trying to turn to face him, but he just frowned at her and turned her back. She had seemed excited, why was she saying no?

"No!" She cried again, turning to face him fully this time as he sat back in confusion and anger, waiting to hear what she had to say.

"Tonight I would look upon your face." She spoke something to him in the Common Tongue, but of course, he could not understand her, and at his look of confusion, she reached her arms around his neck, and pulled herself up onto his lap, where his member was out, and waiting to be taken. When she first sank down on him, he was a tad bit confused, he had never done it this way before, looking at a woman's face, but as he watched the pleasure come over her features, he found that he liked it this way, he could see what he was doing to her. And as he began thrusting up to meet her he knew he would never take her from behind again. 

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