Part Interval & Warning

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That's the end of part 4 and we're moving onto part 5, I've kind of been dreading this. And I'm excited for it, a little bit disgusted in myself that what comes next is some of the best written stuff I have. But also realising that what is coming next is partially venting about some things that have taken part in my life. And that this is important to the story.

I cannot express this warning enough and will probably continue to put warnings in through the next couple of chapters, which I will not be releasing one at a time like I normally would, but all together after what happens happens. And I'm saying this because it gets really bad.

So please. If you are triggered by these things:

*Violent Rape*

I urge you not to read the chapters to come, and skip ahead to the chapters that come after it happens.

That's why I'm releasing the pieces all together and not one by one.

And for those that have experienced this, there are people out there that can help you. So please reach out to people that can and will help you, talk to a professional therapist and talk it out with them. They can help you.

You are all loved, and you are not alone.

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